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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016

The European Green Capital team outline why Ljubljana is the first and only European green capital in central and south Eastern Europe… Ljubljana is a city...

Kent County Council “declares war on potholes”

Kent County Council has revealed it is declaring war on potholes and will invest some £4m to fix the county’s roads… Potholes are undoubtedly a...

Surviving cancer in Europe

Satu Lipponen, Director of Communications and Foresight at the Cancer Society of Finland sheds light on the Joint Action Cancon and its role in...

De-Icing sewage treatment – a clever combination

Ms. Caterina Talerico and Mr. Dirk Kauffeld from Zurich Airport Ltd details how the airport is using new methods to treat the sewage from...

Whitehall austerity has cost £4m more than it saved

Plans to privatise some of Whitehall’s office functions has cost more to implement than it has saved, according to an official spending watchdog… Plans to...

The ocular lens as a tool for developing antioxidant therapies

Peter F. Kador, Ph.D., FARVO, College of Pharmacy, University of Nebraska and President and CEO, Therapeutic Vision, Inc. discusses antioxidant therapies.

EU Referendum: Polls still mixed but could students turn the tide?

In this latest EU Referendum bulletin, the editorial team at AG delve deeper into some of the big issues in the news this week... With...

61 per cent of employers have not considered Brexit impact

A new survey has revealed some 61 per cent of employers have not considered what impact leaving the EU would have on their organisation… A...

Antibiotic apocalypse warning issued

Medicine faces an apocalypse as antibiotics lose their efficiency, it has emerged… England’s chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies has warned of an antibiotic apocalypse....

Farm subsidy IT failure could cost Scottish government £125m

The mismanagement of the IT system for farm subsidy payments could see the Scottish government incur penalties totalling up to £125m… IT failures relating to...

mHEALTH: Challenges, hopes and doubts

There are many hopes and at the same time, doubts related to the mHealth development. Here MEP Michal Boni explains the reasons why… Firstly, mHealth development...

Pay claims launched against Glasgow City Council

Union GMB Scotland has launched a series of equal pay claims against Glasgow City Council… A total of 1,200 claims are being launched against Glasgow...

Queen’s Speech: what are the plans for the year ahead?

Today the Queen outlined the government’s plans for legislation for the year ahead during the official state opening of parliament… The official state opening of...

City council rolls out free Wi-Fi across Edinburgh

As part of plans to improve connectivity, Edinburgh City Council has signed a contract to roll out free Wi-Fi across the city… A 10-year contract...

Soil organic carbon – the most precious substance on the planet

Arwyn Jones and Emanuele Lugato, European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, outline the importance of soil... When the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei wrote 400 years ago,...

Changes to Cancer Drugs Fund is “deeply concerning”

Charities have warned changes to the Cancer Drugs Fund are concerning and could leave many new drugs struggling to gain approval… Fifteen cancer charities have...


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