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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

New head of ICT appointed at Norfolk County Council

A new director of ICT will start at Norfolk County Council in early August, it has emerged… Socitm president Geoff Connell has been appointed as...

Helping ALS patients is not only a medical need, but also a moral obligation

Hande Ozdinler, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Northwestern University discusses ALS and outlines the strides made in this area... Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is one of...

Brexit could impact infrastructure spending

Prime Minister David Cameron has warned an exit from the EU could have a significant impact on infrastructure spending… An exit from the EU would...

CIPD warns pay growth is “stuck in the slow lane”

A new survey from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has revealed the growth in wages is likely to remain in the slow...

University fees to increase through new Government plans

Minister Jo Johnson has unveiled new plans increase university fee with an aim to increase teaching standards in institutes across England

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

IMF: Brexit would have “bad, to very, very bad” consequences

The IMF has warned leaving the EU would lead to negative and substantial effects on the UK’s economy… In its regular update on the economy...

Families pay double for vacations during school holidays

The cost of family vacations abroad doubles during the school holidays, according to a new survey A new survey has revealed the cost of taking...

Reducing challenges and increasing skills in the aerospace sector

John Laughlin, Aerospace Programme Lead Innovate UK answers questions from AG on the UK aerospace sector and challenges that lie ahead

EU Referendum: the economy still remains a key battleground

Chancellor George Osborne admitted he is undertaking a “significant” amount of planning to protect the economy in the event of a Brexit vote. The...

Government blocks Leeds trolleybus scheme

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin has blocked plans to develop a trolleybus system in Leeds… Plans to develop a trolleybus system in Leeds will no longer...

Government will not give women help over pension changes

The government will not intervene on pension changes, which will see women lose thousands of pounds… A decision by the government five years ago to...

Dementia to become trillion dollar disease by 2018

Marc Wortmann, Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), outlines the major impact dementia has worldwide and the urgent need for governments to help...

Looking beyond the refugee crisis: what are the long-term impacts?

After 10 years conducting research on the refugee crisis, Professor Michael Nijhawan highlights the resilience and agency of young migrants

Government funding to support local coastal landmarks

Coastal projects have been awarded funding to help restore local landmarks and return them to a high standard… Communities Minister Mark Francois has revealed 15...

Gordon Brown: quitting the EU is not British

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has claimed leaving the EU would not be British and urges the nation to remain… In a statement that is...


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