The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) released its February 2025 agreement updates, revealing a new Back Office Software framework. Extensions to print and audio-visual services were confirmed, while upcoming expirations in health and software require attention.;
Nicolas Reys, Cyber Security Services Consultant at Control Risks looks at the risks of cyber-attacks on smart cities…
Faced with rapid urbanisation, city planners are...
Jim Sinopoli, Managing Principal at Smart Buildings LLC highlights the benefits for Indoor Positioning Systems…
Studies have found that people spend 80-90% of their time...
Local authority leaders in Scotland have described government council tax reforms as “an offence against local democracy”…
Reforms to council tax in Scotland have been...
Small businesses in Warwickshire have benefited from funding from the county council to help them grow…
A total of £427,736 worth of funding has been...
Professor Jill Jameson, Professor of Education and Director, Centre for Leadership and Enterprise at the University of Greenwich discusses stoical leadership...
In 2016, in a difficult global environment,...
The UK’s top environmental ministers are at loggerheads over whether leaving or staying in the EU would be better for farmers…
Secretary of State for...
Sébastien Houzé, Secretary General of FEDMA asks what happens now the General Data Protection Regulation has been adopted...
The European co-legislator reached an agreement on the General Data...
A government analysis will suggest the UK would be “weaker, less safe and worse off” outside the European Union…
A new analysis from central government...
INTERPOL highlights how biometrics can be used globally to investigate crime and tackle terrorism…
As the world’s largest international police organisation INTERPOL is ideally, and...
New research has revealed the New Homes Bonus could cost local authorities struggling with local plans a significant amount…
Research carried out by Planning Magazine...