Dr Fiona MacRae specialises in integrative women's health and bioidentical hormone balancing. She is an expert in bio-identical hormonal replenishment therapy for the Marion Gluck Clinic, which pioneered the use of bioidentical hormones to treat menopause, perimenopause, and other hormone-related issues.
Clair Prosser, Press Officer at BSRIA highlights how the organisation are hoping to inspire engineers of the future
Engineers changed the world and turned imagination...
Mechanical characterisation of high-performance materials has been a long-standing area of expertise at Swansea University. A succession of academics has promoted an intimate relationship...
John Laughlin, Aerospace Programme Lead at Innovate UK answers AG’s questions regarding investment in the aerospace industry and how Innovate UK play an integral...
Open Access Government looks at how health research can play a pivotal role in preventing major diseases throughout the country
Over the decades we have...
Recent participatory research from the Canadian North adds nuance to global literature on gender, climate change, and mental wellbeing
Climate change has been identified as...
Although a small field in medicine, dermatological diseases are very frequent and span a wide range of illnesses such as allergies, inflammation (e.g. atopic...
From informal payments to industry kickbacks…
In October 2013 the European Commission has published a “Study on corruption in healthcare” (HOME/2011/ISEC/PR/047-A2). The study was developed by...
Joel Alleyne from the Global Health Care Anti-fraud Network (GHCAN) outlines how the organisation helps with the fight against healthcare fraud
At a conference in...
Christa Sedlatschek, Director at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work outlines how musculoskeletal disorders affect workplaces across Europe
Across Europe, musculoskeletal disorders...
Ilias Iakovidis and Bruno Alves from DG CONNECT at the European Commission explain how digital transformation can turn demographic change into an opportunity for...