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NHS faces potential funding shortfall without major productivity boost

A new analysis from the Health Foundation has revealed concerns over the future funding needs of NHS England with warnings of a potential shortfall unless the health service can significantly boost its productivity in the coming years.

Council could fine homeless people up to £1,000

Under plans to tackle antisocial behaviour linked to rough sleeping and begging, homeless people in parts of east London could receive fines of up...

Residents benefit from housing improvements

Communities in Wrexham are seeing extra benefits from Housing Improvement Works. Here, the county borough council explains... Employment and Modern Apprenticeships in Wrexham County Borough...

Regulator says MPs should get 10 per cent pay rise

The body that regulates the pay of MPs has recommended a 10 per cent pay increase, despite public sector pay freezes and significant redundancies... Among...

The number of agency staff to be reduced

Jeremy Hunt has called for the NHS to cut its spending on agency workers, but what does this mean for the health service? Adjacent...

England meets A&E waiting-time targets

For the first time since September, accident and emergency units across England successfully met the four-hour waiting-time target... After failing to meet waiting-time targets for...

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean...

Underfunding threatens childcare

Childcare providers have warned chronic underfunding could push the system to breaking point as the government announces plans to double free provision for three...

Council calls for Blue Badges for over 85s

Cheshire East Council is pushing for a change to the law that would see people over 85 automatically qualify for the Blue Badge... The Blue...

Rugby coaches to build character and resilience

Premiership rugby coaches will be drafted into schools in a bid to instil character and resilience in disaffected children... A new scheme will see premiership...

The pros and cons of Right to Buy

Adjacent Digital Politics looks at the scheme and examines the pros and cons of selling off England's publicly-owned housing stock... There has been a lot...

Smoking ban spares children serious illness

New research has revealed the smoking ban has prevented thousands of children from serious illness and reduced the number of hospital admissions The smoking ban,...

Cameron holds EU reform talks with Merkel

Prime Minister David Cameron is meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a bid to gain support for EU reforms... Determined to gain a new...

The importance of rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe… Mobility is vital...

New UK Energy Bill proposed

Adjacent Digital Politics examines the new Energy Bill introduced yesterday during the Queen's speech and highlights the key points of the legislation... During the state...

Local authorities fail to protect sensitive data

New research has revealed that UK local authorities are not protecting sensitive data effectively... Integrated managed data service provider Six Degrees Group has warned there...

Why governance matters

David Armstrong, Head of Profession at the Chartered Quality Institute details the benefits of using governance to transform organisations For all organisations, the delivery of...


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