The continued meeting of the parties to the COP16 Global Biodiversity Conference in Rome ended on February 27, 2025. This meeting reached important agreements that show the global community's determination to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.
Dr Eva Csobod, Project Coordinator at the Regional Environmental Center details how the SINPHONIE project is helping to deliver clean air for school children
According to the Finnish Environmental Protection Act, municipalities are responsible for enhancing air protection within their region. Turku is a regional capital of the...
Poor ventilation is a growing health risk in today’s society. Poor ventilation in offices, schools and healthcare facilities often causes discomfort and impair work...
Air pollution impacts all living species and can have a detrimental impact. Dr Valentin Foltescu EEA Project manager – Air quality reporting and assessment...
Mati Raidma, Minister for the Environment in the Republic of Estonia explains why environmental charges are crucial to help reduce the effects of climate...
Your partner for capacity development in fisheries projects
For 17 years the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme has promoted the sustainable use of living...
Maxi Nachtigall, Adviser Sustainable Development, Council of the Baltic Sea States, CBSS sheds light on how the Baltic Sea Region is taking action to limit...
We stride confidently toward a vast catastrophe. Willingly blind to the consequences of our profligate burning of fossil fuels, we speak in hushed tones,...
Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year
The overall aim...
Jon Busby, Team Leader Renewables, Energy Storage and Clean Coal at the British Geological Survey details the benefits of deep geothermal heat sources in...
Auto-consumption and energy self-sufficiency are now within reach for social housing
Solar power provides an opportunity for social housing associations and landlords to improve the...
In addressing the urgent need for more housing, Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning, Alister Scott believes that key participants in the housing question...