The latest news, developments and research findings from all fields of science including biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology and space, including news on the latest policies regulating this sector.
Jan Palmowski, Secretary-General of The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities in Brussels, emphasises the need to seek comparative advantages in the European Union’s pursuit of a new R&I programme amid Donald Trump’s push for AI.
Prof Colin J Suckling OBE DSc FRSE, research professor of chemistry at the University of Strathclyde’s Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry shares his views on the challenge of commercialisation when it comes to research into medicinal chemistry
Dr Macdonald Wick, Associate Professor at The Ohio State University’s Department of Animal Sciences explains why Woody Breast is a hard problem for the poultry industry
Prof Thomas Jaki from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit at Lancaster University provides an overview of the professional development courses offered at the unit
Michael Roth, Research group leader at the University & University Hospital Basel explores the current state of chronic inflammatory lung diseases, from the molecular biology perspective
Leading technology companies in the UK showcased their products and services for land-based naval and aerospace use at CANSEC 2018 - Canada's largest defence industry event - in the hopes of securing industrial cooperation and joint ventures with Canadian companies
Malcolm Maden, Department of Biology & UF Genetics Institute, Gainesville, Florida, USA shares his expert opinion on the amazing spiny mouse, the champion of mammalian regeneration
Recent findings from Catax, a specialist tax relief firm, has revealed that the majority of transport firms in the UK could claim for Research and Development (R&D) relief, but only a quarter are aware it even exists
The EU’s research Commissioner, Carlos Moedas has demanded more commitment from member states on research and innovation spending, despite a widespread sense of reluctance throughout the European Union to increase the budget.
With the Government set to invest an additional £20 million into the research, diagnosis and development of treatments for brain tumours, Dr Ali Hansford elaborates on the need to talk more about how we are going to find the next blockbuster treatments for these devastating diseases
The European Commission today presents its contribution to the informal discussion that Heads of State and Government will hold in Sofia on 16 May 2018 on research and innovation and the steps needed to ensure Europe's global competitiveness
Stephanie K. Watkins PhD from Loyola University Chicago shares her views on cancer immunotherapy therapy – the concept of using the immune system to fight and destroy cancer cells