The latest news, developments and research findings from all fields of science including biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology and space, including news on the latest policies regulating this sector.
Here is a summary of some North American research themes, emphasizing the broader areas of funding research and advancing science in fields such as standards and technology, artificial intelligence, the humanities, social sciences, and primatology.
The Northern Ireland Science Park is set to undergo major development over the next decade as part of expansion plans…
Non-profit foundation the Northern Ireland...
AG Editor, Laura Evans highlights new investments for UK science and what Minister for Science and Universities, Jo Johnson thinks a Brexit could mean...
Niamh Lyons, Interim Director of communications, Education and Public Engagement at Science Foundation Ireland highlights the importance of STEM in Ireland, and how the...
Peter F. Kador, Ph.D., FARVO, College of Pharmacy, University of Nebraska and President and CEO, Therapeutic Vision, Inc. discusses antioxidant therapies.
Professor Wen Jiang, Dr Andrew Sanders and Dr Lin Ye from the Cardiff China Medical Research Collaborative, Cardiff University School of Medicine highlight the work...
Peter Munk Christiansen, Danish Council for Independent Research on how independent research funds were awarded to a record-high number of young researchers
Adrian Heuss, Head of Knowledge Transfer on the NRP63 Programme tells Editor Laura Evans more about NRP63 and Stem Cell Research
Stem cell research can play...
The Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London, UK
The metamaterial concept has in recent years inspired scientists to conceive perfect lenses, new lasers,...