North America Analysis

Research & Innovation News

Open Access Government has a large variety of Scientific Research and Innovation information that is available in this category.

This section explores the latest breakthroughs in all aspects of science: including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology. There is extensive research on psychological and social patterns that occur in everyday life.

Information is available on scientific policies that the government might adopt. Along with the changes and developments of global space policy. We cover the ongoing rise of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and cancer research breakthroughs along with countries and their own individual research priorities.

Within this category we explore the massive increase and growth in CBD research and production, there is a lot of interesting information available.

twisted claw millipede, ecosystem

Scientist names twisted-claw millipede after Taylor Swift

A scientist at Virginia Tech in the US, Derek Hennen, has named a twisted-claw millipede after Taylor Swift.
endometriosis treatment

Could nanotechnology be the future of endometriosis treatment?

Magnetic nanotechnology is showing promise in locating and removing painful lesions, becoming a potential endometriosis treatment.
leisure lifestyle

A fascinating look at optimal leisure lifestyle

Robert Stebbins, Professor Emeritus at University of Calgary in Alberta, takes a fascinating look at what we need to know about optimal leisure lifestyle
vegan diets, dog health

Could vegan diets for dogs be healthier than meat-based diets?

Nutritionally complete vegan diets for dogs were more beneficial for dog’s health than conventional meat diets – but not as healthy as raw meat diets.
sustainable sand

Creating sustainable sand: A solution to mineral waste?

Researchers have found that a step-change in mineral processing may drastically reduce mineral waste, while creating a source of sustainable sand.
temperature on Neptune

ESO telescope captures surprising changes in temperature on Neptune

Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), researchers reveal recent changes in the atmospheric temperature on Neptune.
cancer referrals

Fighting against a Covid tide to deliver cancer referral innovation

PinPoint Data Science is working with the NHS to deliver much needed innovation in cancer referral pathways
star collisions

Star collisions may fuel massive black holes, says new simulation

The DEMOBLACK team have been able to point out a rang out exotic outcomes when concerning the collision of giant stars
sars-cov-2, omicron variant vaccine

Scientists develop Omicron variant vaccine against COVID

MedUni Vienna delivers promising data to the Omicron variant vaccine which could protect people against all known variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Astronomers discover furthest known galaxy, known as HD1

A team from the Centre for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, have spotted the most distant astronomical object ever: A galaxy
Auroral footprints

Understanding Jupiter’s Galilean moon and shimmering auroral footprints

Scientists discover clues about what causes Jupiter’s auroral footprints and shimmering lights in space.
black lives matter, racial discourse

Black Lives Matter protests have lasting impact on racial discourse

Black Lives Matter protests bring public attention to incidents of police brutality, and also have shifted racial discourse, increasing interest in anti-racist ideas.
innovation cohesion

Achieving innovation cohesion in Europe

Open Access Government delves into the innovation cohesion priorities of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, for 2022 and beyond.
laboratory workflow testing, covid-19

Innovative automation supports laboratory testing workflow

Global clinical diagnostics company Novacyt introduce a new automated liquid handling system to meet growing demand for no manual pipetting in COVID-19 PCR testing.
most distant star, hubble space telescope

Hubble Space Telescope finds most distant star ever documented

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals the most distant star ever documented - it took the light from Earendel 12.9 billion years to reach Earth.
quantum mechanics, neutrino motion

Rotating Lepton Model: Coupling relativity, quantum mechanics and neutrinos for the synthesis of matter

Professor Costas Vayenas and his coworkers Dionysios Tsousis and Dimitrios Grigoriou, discuss how using special relativity to study neutrino motion at fm distances leads to Bohr type models with relativistic gravity as the attractive force.
industry 4.0, digital twins

Bridging the gap between academic research and industrial application

Open Access Government talk to Vestas aircoil A/S about the multidisciplinary InDEStruct Project, and why it is vital that academia meets industry from the perspective of Industry 4.0.
simulation of quantum circuits

Classical simulation of quantum circuits

Robert Wille, Professor at the Technical University of Munich and CSO at the Software Competence Center, Hagenberg, considers the classical simulation of quantum circuits
canada ISED, economic development

Canada: Supporting research coast-to-coast Innovation, Science & Economic Development

Canada (ISED) works in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to improve conditions for investment, enhance innovation performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace.
economic security, AI

NIST: Advancing innovation for quality of life

The National Institute of Standards & Technology works to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology to enhance economic security and improve quality of life.

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