The latest news, developments and research findings from all fields of science including biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology and space, including news on the latest policies regulating this sector.
Forbes McKenzie, CEO of McKenzie Intelligence Services, explores investments in Britain’s satellite intelligence, strategically focusing on our core strengths.
Samples from the 162173 Ryugu asteroid collected by Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft could help us understand the chemical composition of the solar system.
Something as simple as seeing gender neutral toilet signs in public places is linked to adolescents becoming more accepting of trans and nonbinary people.
Under EU State Aid rules, the European Commission has approved a €1.1 billion grant to support the Danish roll-out of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies.
A new approach to high-performance magnet manufacturing may help Europe on its transition towards net-zero carbon so that it is less dependent on rare earth elements.
Researchers uncover ancient Siberian genomes which reveal a previously undescribed group of early hunter-gatherer population in Neolithic Altai-Sayan region.
Using the QUIJOTE experiment, scientists are now producing the most accurate description until now of the polarization in the microwave emission processes in our galaxy.