North America Analysis

Research & Innovation News

Open Access Government has a large variety of Scientific Research and Innovation information that is available in this category.

This section explores the latest breakthroughs in all aspects of science: including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology. There is extensive research on psychological and social patterns that occur in everyday life.

Information is available on scientific policies that the government might adopt. Along with the changes and developments of global space policy. We cover the ongoing rise of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and cancer research breakthroughs along with countries and their own individual research priorities.

Within this category we explore the massive increase and growth in CBD research and production, there is a lot of interesting information available.

robot laparoscopic surgery, robot surgery

Robot performs laparoscopic surgery without human intervention

A team at Johns Hopkins University created a robot that successfully performed laparoscopic surgery - without human intervention.
planet birth, star death

Astronomers find some stars can still form planets even near death

Astronomers have discovered that stars, even when near death, can possibly still birth planets.
neurophysiological differences

What happens to our brains when we multitask?

The Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience have been shedding light on how health brains are able to multitask while walking
blood COVID patients, evACE2

Blood of COVID patients holds new treatment for virus

Scientists have discovered 'nano-bubbles' in the blood of COVID patients -  proteins that can act as decoys for the virus, protecting the organs.
artificial muscles, reconstructive medicine

Scientists create artificial muscles from natural materials

At the University of Freiburg, scientists have created artificial muscles from natural proteins - less Dr Frankenstein, more future potential for reconstructive medicine or soft robotics.
gender and health inequality, women RISE

£11.6 million available for gender and health inequality research

In Canada, a coalition of organisations are funding £11.6 million (CAD 20 million) into Women RISE - a call for gender and health equality research projects.
burst of energy, ultra-long period magnetars

Astronomers find “peculiar object” just 4,000 lightyears away

Australian scientists discover a "peculiar object" emitting a giant burst of energy three times an hour, relatively close to Earth.
alcohol technology, wearable sensors

Wearable technology can detect and control drinking habits

Wearable sensors can help detect when heavy drinking consumption can lead to negative consequences, by measuring levels of intoxication through the skin .
innovate UK grant, freshtag

Five inventions that could change the world

The Innovate UK grant will sponsor the development of inventions - from 3D-printed knee replacements to a device that recycles shower water for washing machines.
AI image segmentation

AI models of dinosaur fossils advance image segmentation process

Three embryonic skulls of dinosaurs, found in the Gobi Desert, have been segmented with an AI process through CT scanning technology – which better preserves dinosaur remains
body image racial identity

Strong racial identity improves body image in Black youth

A new study has found that Black adolescents are more body positive when they have a strong connection to their racial identity.

Looking through time with the James Webb Space telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived at its new home and is preparing to calibrate its mirrors and start collecting data on the universe
coastal pollution, sustainable challenge

The environmental competition to challenge coastal pollution

Geovation has launched a national challenge, to award £5000 to find a sustainable solution in tackling coastal pollution.
mutations spike protein, spike protein

Research shows Omicron has 37 mutations on spike protein

Omicron appears to have 37 mutations on the spike protein, which is three to five times more than other variants.
brain impact covid, long covid

COVID brain impact similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It is now well-known that the virus can create severe respiratory issues - but the impact of COVID on the brain is an equally important, unanswered question.
plastic pollution policy

Plastic pollution could decrease by 85% with policy action

A new policy tool developed by scientists, ‘Plastic Drawdown’, can help governments to radically cut plastic waste by 2030.
flu covid vaccine, moderna vaccine

Moderna aim to make combined flu-COVID vaccine for 2023

Speaking at the World Economic Forum, CEO Stéphane Bancel said Moderna aim to create a combined flu and COVID vaccine.
artificial pancreas, type 1 diabetes

‘Artificial pancreas’ uses algorithm to protect body from diabetes

Scientists have created an 'artificial pancreas' that uses an algorithm to protect the body - especially ground-breaking for young children with type 1 diabetes.
cultural similarities

Successful adaptation after immigration helped by cultural similarities

Research looking at successful immigration - analysing those who remain in their new locations as opposed to those who leave - finds that cultural similarities play a key role in the decision.
pfizer vaccine omicron, COVID

Study finds three doses of Pfizer vaccine can handle Omicron

New data suggests that the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, at three doses, is enough to stop the Omicron variant from creating severe COVID.

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