North America Analysis

Research & Innovation News

Open Access Government has a large variety of Scientific Research and Innovation information that is available in this category.

This section explores the latest breakthroughs in all aspects of science: including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology. There is extensive research on psychological and social patterns that occur in everyday life.

Information is available on scientific policies that the government might adopt. Along with the changes and developments of global space policy. We cover the ongoing rise of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and cancer research breakthroughs along with countries and their own individual research priorities.

Within this category we explore the massive increase and growth in CBD research and production, there is a lot of interesting information available.

smart plastics, liquid crystal elastomers

Smart Plastics: How liquid crystalline elastomers bring automation into materials

Eugene M. Terentjev, Professor of Polymer Physics from the University of Cambridge, describes Smart Plastics, including a radically new polymer system, liquid crystal elastomers and the associated applications.
audio universe

Sounds of the Universe: Inclusive experience for visually impaired astronomers

New project to allow blind or partially sighted individuals to ‘hear’ the universe is providing a more inclusive side to astronomy This research is offering...
radioactive isotopes

Radioactive isotopes from stars

Maria Lugaro and Marco Pignatari, Senior Researchers at the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences examine radioactive isotopes from stars, from the archaeology...
liquid hydrogen

Zero emissions flight: The liquid hydrogen plane of the future

The UK government have unveiled new plans for a ‘liquid hydrogen plane’ which could be a huge step towards zero emissions flights.
immunological questions

Contemporary immunology and its relationship to medicine

Peter Bretscher, Professor of Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Saskatchewan, explores important immunological questions
regenerative medicine, medicine

Australia’s medical innovation approach: Is it suitable for regenerative medicine?

Australia has committed to investing heavily in its medical future – but will it be ready for the regenerative medicine revolution? John Gardner from Monash University and Michael Morrison from the University of Oxford provide the answer.
sunburn research, sunburnt

Scientific Sunburn & Skin Cancer (Part 1)

In this the first of a four part series, Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd., provides comment on the Human Sunburn Cycle, including why some people get sunburnt even while wearing sunscreen.
viral evolution animals

The viral evolution of COVID-19 in animals

New research analyses mutation types occurring in the Coronavirus after infection in cats, dogs, ferrets, and hamsters, studying cross-species transmission in animals.
empathy, philosophy

How Does it Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Empathy

Thomas Schramme, Professor of Philosophy at University of Liverpool, considers the important function of empathy in understanding others.
rapid detection viruses

Test kit created for rapid detection of viruses has 95% accuracy

A device created to identify viruses in humans, like COVID-19, has sustained 95% accuracy in results, as a significant improvement over the current rapid tests available.
Innovation Fund

EU pledges over €1 billion to decarbonise economy

The European Union is to invest around €1.1 billion to numerous innovative projects under the Innovation Fund, as an endeavour towards reaching net zero emissions.
public sector pilots

The UAE is building a global innovation laboratory for public sector pilots

Her Excellency Huda Al Hashimi, Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs for Strategic Affairs - UAE Government, provides commentary on a new hub for public sector pilots around the world, under the Moonshot Pilot Grant.
drug repositioning

How to compete with COVID-19 with a computer?

Y-h. Taguchi, Professor at Chuo University in Japan, reveals how to compete with COVID-19 by using a computer.
the bioeconomy, glycoscience

Glycoscience: One of the key enablers for the bioeconomy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, argues that glycoscience is one of the key enablers for bioeconomy.
ESO black hole, VLT

ESO finds black hole in star cluster outside Milky Way

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) have found a black hole outside the Milky Way, roughly 160,000 light-years away from Earth.
RNA viruses, chapel hill

What is a virus? An exploration for middle school students

Ann Matthysse, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, explores what exactly a virus is, with a specific focus on RNA viruses and SARS-CoV-2.
brain research in europe, european research council

Prioritising brain research in Europe

Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director at European Brain Council, explains the importance of prioritising brain research in Europe today.
cancer screening, AI

Artificial intelligence & other cancer screening innovations

General Manager, Hologic UK and Ireland, keeps us up to speed with grasping the possibilities of AI and other innovations in cancer screening
vaccines and immunotherapeutics, immunotherapeutics

Emphasising vaccines and immunotherapeutics research worldwide

Here, Open Access Government interview Dr Babita Agrawal, Professor in the Department of Surgery, University of Alberta to discuss the continued need for research into vaccines and immunotherapeutics.
BRAINE project, edge computing

BRAINE: Big data pRocessing and Artificial Intelligence at the Network Edge

The BRAINE project will help to position Europe at the forefront of the intelligent edge computing field.

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