The latest technology news from around the world covering topics such as cloud computing, cyber crime, data protection and the internet of things (IoT), along with social media and it’s need for regulation and the world of artificial intelligence (AI).
Andrea Hoddell, Senior Operational Intelligence Tutor at Intelligencia Training Limited, examines the role of artificial intelligence in intelligence analysis. Is it a solution or a threat? Find the answer here.
Rapidly scaling health-tech player in the emerging Pathology Computer Aided Diagnostics sector Deciphex uses digital pathology and AI to accelerate pathology diagnosis by improving productivity and patient outcome.
Global Futurist, Foresight expert and CEO of Fast Future Rohit Talwar, details the concept of Smart Life 2025, that envisions a connected world in the future.
Jeremy Wyatt, Operations Director, FCS, discloses the seven capabilities that organisations need for rapid and reliable data recovery against ransomware
The CDEI has established the steps essential to building the UK’s AI assurance ecosystem, ensuring the effectiveness and compliance of AI, as set out in the National AI strategy.
Neil Ballinger at EU Automation, explains why some countries are more successful at implementing automation and what UK manufacturers can learn from them
New technology could be used to help doctors make the most of limited resources during COVID-19 by identifying patients in need of intensive care treatment
The UK government has initiated one of the world’s first national standards for algorithmic transparency, commencing promises made in the National Data and National AI strategies.
Martin D. Chapman, President & CEO and Ross Yarham, Business Relationship Associate, both from Indoor Biotechnologies, shed light on Multiplex Array Technology for risk assessment in the food industry.
Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how venting gases of batteries can be collected and analysed
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Professor at the University of Padova, explains what we need to know about taming the environmental impact of mobile networks through GREENEDGE computing
An algorithm can predict the severity of COVID patients' illnesses depending on how many of them will be highly likely or unlikely to need intensive care or ventilation.
Research shows that providing twitter users with warnings of potential consequences of spreading hate speech, results in a decrease in hateful language