The latest technology news from around the world covering topics such as cloud computing, cyber crime, data protection and the internet of things (IoT), along with social media and it’s need for regulation and the world of artificial intelligence (AI).
DSIT's March 2025 newsletter reveals a surging UK cyber sector, boasting 12% growth and thousands of new jobs. Funding initiatives, skills programs, and public engagement campaigns highlight the nation's commitment to digital security and inclusion.
Nunzio Albero Borghese discusses the potential of MOVECARE, a Horizon 2020 sponsored project, to be a robotic caregiver for independently living elders.
As cybersecurity experts begin to adapt to remote working, it is worth noting that there are strong parallels between a pandemic response and handling cybersecurity threats. Here, Raymond Pompon, Director of F5 Labs, explains why.
In the face of the current health emergency, Microsoft Azure and Office 365 are inevitably having to scale resources. Andy Powell, Cloud CTO at Jisc, shares advice for dealing with capacity issues.
Here, Takahira Yamaguchi from Keio University in Japan explores how different robots cooperate in a multi-robot café, beginning with details about service workflow.
Agnieszka Kuczynska from AGH University of Science and Technology charts the prominence of digital transformation in Japan and the European Union today.
Robyn Boyd on behalf of PFU (EMEA) Limited – a Fujitsu company turns our thoughts to the extent to which technology is heavily relied upon in the public sector, focussing specifically on the role of Fujitsu scanners in this vein.
Social media is a central part of modern life, writes Rufus Caldecott, Operations Analyst at the security and intelligence firm, Blackstone Consultancy but there are dangers, he warns.
Franca Salis-Madinier from the European Economic and Social Committee and French Democratic Confederation of Labour – Professionals and Managers, highlights for us the importance of ensuring that artificial intelligence in the workplace benefits people.
Dr Ian Jackson, Medical Director, and Clinical Safety Officer at Refero, urges the primary care sector to take up video consultations to help keep the GP workforce safe from COVID-19.
The Horizon 2020 project SOCCRATES brings together some of the best expertise in the field to develop, implement and evaluate an automated security platform to defend against complex cyber-attacks, more of which is explained here by Reinder Wolthuis from TNO.