The latest technology news from around the world covering topics such as cloud computing, cyber crime, data protection and the internet of things (IoT), along with social media and it’s need for regulation and the world of artificial intelligence (AI).
In an era of escalating cyber threats, the healthcare sector, a prime target for data breaches, requires robust security. Voice biometrics emerges as a...
Over half of UK parents believe that age restrictions are not working effectively and want stricter verification laws to be introduced online, according to new research
The European Commission yesterday proposed to create the first ever Digital Europe programme and invest €9.2 billion to align the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027 with increasing digital challenges
Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are being rapidly adopted in the business world, but is the public sector following suit? The answer appears to be slowly, as a recent report published by SolarWinds found
Figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that a whopping 4.7 million people (making up 94% of all 'non-users') over the age of 55 are not online. The report warns that they could be at risk of missing out on essential services provided by companies that continue to move their businesses online
Global survey and analysis of IT and Security Professionals reveal cybersecurity pressures are up for a fifth consecutive year, however, marked improvements in security best practices are turning the tide
Local authorities across the UK have been urged to ensure the safety of parking wardens and other members of staff classed as lone workers by adopting systems that can both prevent and record cases of abuse by the public
The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) have urged numerous organisations dealing with data about people in Europe to continue their efforts to adapt to the new standard and to train their staff way beyond May 25
With the international market for wearable devices having reached a new high in 2017 with 16.9% growth year on year, Instant Offices delves into what impact this trend will have on the workplace as we know it
A UK mosque known as Masjid Ramadan, on Shacklewell Lane in Dalston East London, has gone against the grain to become the first in the UK to accept cryptocurrency donations for the Ramadan period.
New GDPR regulations are forcing HR professionals to think carefully about their data processes, ensure that they treat personal data correctly and plug any gaps in compliance
Andrew Davidson, Head of Marketing, Cyber Security EMEIA at Fujitsu shares his seasoned opinion on the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and reveals that the devil is in the data.
The European Commission selected Seal Network, a company that fights counterfeiting using blockchain technology, to create the next level of anti-counterfeiting infrastructure at the Blockathon event in Brussels