The latest technology news from around the world covering topics such as cloud computing, cyber crime, data protection and the internet of things (IoT), along with social media and it’s need for regulation and the world of artificial intelligence (AI).
The UK government is trying to strengthen its science and technology ties with the European Union, revealing new plans to enhance cooperation and drive innovation.
Andrew Mellish, of Six Degrees Group Company Carrenza shares the challenges public sector organisations face when it comes to implementing cloud services
Civica Digital Managing Director, Chris Doutney explores how the digital skills gap can be tackled and addresses some of the challenges
In a recent report,...
Sungard Availability Services provides technical know-how and support to meet the transformation agenda and help organisations achieve their cloud ambitions
Robert Stoneman, analyst at GlobalData highlights why UK universities are key targets for cybercriminals and how to safeguard from an attack
UK universities will find...
€120m funding will be used to provide free WiFi internet connections across 8,000 EU municipalities without coverage
The internet is something most of us take...
The evolving relationship between citizens and local authorities creates challenges when managing digital transformation. Web Labs’ Garry Lander explains
Alistair Smith, Government and Public Sector Lead, Contino outlines why moving to the cloud could help government departments ditch toxic vendor relationships
I’ve spent the...
In the wake of the NHS cyber-attack, Nigel Hawkins, Managing Director EMEA, Everbridge outlines how organisations can limit the damage of such an attack
Dale Miller, Inria, Université Paris-Saclay, LIX, École Polytechnique, and CNRS highlights the role formal proofs can have in ensuring trust in computer systems
Sean Owen, Director of Data Science, Cloudera talks about how data science can have a significant impact on innovation in the UK, as well as the economy
Fen Labalme and Robert L. Read of Agile Government Leadership, explain the role of an agile security process in highlighting and preventing security risks