The latest transport news, developments, and policy updates from within the global transportation sector. We take look at electric vehicles, the demand for zero-emissions vehicles and the evolution of smart cities and infrastructure.
The UK Government has outlined its strategy to balance the need for airport expansion while also staying committed to its promise of sustainability in aviation.
There has recently been a bit of negative press surrounding hate crime awareness within the UK transport network, with the number of reported hate crimes increasing.
The EU and the State of Qatar have created an aviation agreement, which is the precedential agreement of its kind between the EU and a partner within the Gulf region.
Franck Plouraboué, Senior Scientist CNRS, Fluid Mechanics Institute of Toulouse, discusses how making improvements on aircraft propulsion can solve major issues and make significant advances in the future.
A new survey has revealed that more than 40% of UK drivers support an age cap on driving, with 83% believing there should be annual safety checks for older drivers.
Transport networks – including public transit, private vehicles, freight and taxis – are a fundamental component of any major city. Chris Shannon, CEO, Fotech Solutions discusses the need to improve transport infrastructure for cities today rather than in the future.
Institution calls for urgent action to introduce hydrogen trains in areas outside the electrified rail network in order to eliminate harmful emissions.
A travel industry insider discusses how emotion shapes industry strategy and the conscious ascension to the ongoing social media migration that is transforming all industries: read on to find out what they reveal.
While the electric car has been around for over a hundred years, it’s never been as popular as it is today. Here, we look at what could be in store for the electric car industry in 2019.
Five projects have been chosen for development funding in the Department for Transport’s (DfT's) First of a Kind (FOAK competition, which focuses on innovative rail schemes that can cut the carbon footprint of the UK’s railways.