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Transport News

Open Access Government’s Transport News section offers a wide range of articles within the transport sector. 

We cover up to date topics such as the progression of electric cars and the push for zero-emission cars. Policy and the changes in the Law on Transport along with articles on the department of transport and relevant updates are also available on our website.

Another popular topic included in this category is the transport infrastructure in ‘SMART’ cities and you can easily find information on shipping regulations. We also delve into European transport policies and aviation news.

investment programme

Disruption for travellers as Network Rail begins investment programme

Travellers may be disrupted as Network Rail begins major Christmas investment programme this weekend Service restrictions will be in place from Saturday 23 December to...
accessibility scheme

Step-free access plans approved for Carshalton Station

Sutton Councils gives green light for £2.5m accessibility scheme at Carshalton station Passengers can look forward to easier travel as National Rail will develop a accessibility...
aviation sector

The key role of the aviation sector in the UK economy

Graham Bolton, Chairman of the British Aviation Group provides an insight into the role of the aviation sector within the UK economy The aviation sector...

Reducing turbulence for more environmentally friendly aircraft

Professor Jonathan Cooper at University of Bristol's Faculty of Engineering describes how reducing the effects of turbulence can benefit the environment
internet of trains

The Internet of Trains: For safety, efficiency and comfort

Particularly for bogies with flattened wheels, the Internet of Trains can bring all-round benefits, writes ZNAPZ CEO Marcel Van Velthoven.
railway swatches

Research project on railway switches and crossings: INTELLISWITCH

Professor Dorte Juul Jensen project leader of INTELLISWITCH provides insight into the world of railway switches and crossings in Denmark
transport in Denmark

Priorities for rail transport in Denmark

Ove Holm, from the Danish Transport and Logistics Association (DTL) reveals his opinion on the challenges around rail transport in Denmark, including ERTMS
European rail

Right on track – the future of European rail

Nicolas Furio from Unife explores the latest developments in the all-important European rail industry and what they mean for the future In April 2016, the...
northern powerhouse rail

Government pledges £300 million for Northern Powerhouse rail

Chancellor Phillip Hammond has announced an extra £300 million in funding for Northern Powerhouse rail projects, hoping to connect the North

Plans for Britain’s first digital intercity railway

The UK government is developing plans for Britain’s first digital intercity railway in the north, Transport Secretary Chris Grayling announced today
freight emissions

UK firms to compete for share of funding to cut freight emissions

A share of £15 million in funding will be available to UK firms who apply research into reducing freight emissions to improve air quality
low carbon vehicles

Research projects to receive £3.9 million in grants for low carbon vehicles

The Niche Vehicle Network is spreading a £3.9 million grant across thirty projects hoping to research and develop low carbon vehicles
asset management

Asset management must be a consideration for the rail sector

During holiday season asset management is very important to the rail industry. Here, Marcel Van Velthoven, CEO of ZNAPZ explains why
PAN-LNG project bus Hungary

PAN-LNG Project: Developing Trans-European transport in Hungary

With funding from the Connecting Europe Facility, the PAN-LNG Project is developing a Trans-European transport infrastructure, starting in Hungary MGKKE, the Hungarian NGV Association, developed...

Britain’s aerospace sector could suffer after Brexit

Experts have warned that Britain's aerospace industries could suffer a loss of investment from companies like Airbus in the event of a hard Brexit

Tailoring composite materials to achieve optimised wing designs

University of Bristol’s Jonathan Cooper and Olivia Stodieck explore different ways that composite materials can be used to build aircraft wings

Commuters to be hit by rise in rail fares in January

From January 2018, millions of rail users in the UK will see a 3.6% increase in regulated rail fares
Balfour must find Blackpool Airport buyer today

EUFAR – Coordinating airborne environmental sciences

Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to support a range of applications in environmental sciences, says EUFAR
rail passengers

More seats for rail passengers in West Midlands with £1bn investment

Rail passengers in the West Midlands are to get a boost from a £1 billion investment in services across the network

HS2 takes a major step forward

Phase one of HS2 has made major strides this week with the first formal signing of contracts for the UK’s new high speed railway

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