
Open Access Government brings you the latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training and mental health.

We cover stories on research to improve workplace staff productivity and employee stress levels to help combat the fear of ’employee burning out’. With expert opinions from companies around the country, you can find articles on workplace benefits and the positives to flexible working hours.

Also available are articles concerning compliance to HR and the problems surrounding gender discrimination and inequality.

Women in Engineering

Women in Engineering Day: How has the pandemic impacted gender diversity?

To mark International Women in Engineering Day 2021, several senior tech execs discuss how the pandemic has impacted gender diversity in the industry.

Property at the heart of COVID-19 recovery

We stand at a critical moment in the changing nature of work and our relationship to it. PLACEmaking takes a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on how and where we work.
female entrepreneurship

Gen Z female entrepreneurship is vital to UK economy

Sharon Davies, CEO of Young Enterprise, discusses how unleashing the untapped potential of female entrepreneurship in Generation Z is vital to the UK’s economic recovery.
Workplace creativity

Delivering creativity in the workplace

Chetan Walia, Associate Professor for Innovation and Leadership at the School of Management, University of Bradford and Rolly Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer of the BeOne Foundation for Transformational Leadership, explore the challenges of delivering creativity in the workplace.
master system integrator, msi

The role of the Master System Integrator (MSI)

Paul Wells, CEO, Nico Consultancy, discusses the importance of the Master System Integrator (MSI) and tells us exactly what the role entails.
remote-first workforce, digital

Workplace technology design for a remote-first workforce

David Turner, Managing Director of MSC Digital, outlines the key features of technology design to ensure your organisation can support a complete or partial remote-first workforce.
work from home fraud

Are you protected against work from home fraud?

Working from home is now the norm for so many people, but with one in ten employees still wanting a remote lifestyle for the foreseeable future, what does that mean for employers and what exactly are the risks?.
ways of working

Navigating new ways of working for the long term

Lucinda Carney, CEO and Founder of Actus Software, explores how HR can use remote management behaviours within an office setting to successfully navigate an effective approach to working for the long term.
career plan

The next milestone in our career plan

Dr Gabriela Whitehead, Head of Digital Transformation and Process Management at GISMA Business School describes the next milestone in our career plan.
fix the digital skills gap

How can the north-west fix the digital skills gap?

Matt Adam, chief executive of We Are Digital, explains how the north-west is fixing the digital skills gap.
inclusive leadership

Diversity and inclusion: The ABC of inclusive leadership

Ali Shalfrooshan, Head of International Assessment R&D, PSI Services, outlines the challenges that organisations face in building a consistent vision that will help to guide inclusive behaviour and highlights the three phases of allyship in the journey towards inclusive leadership.
return to work

My employee doesn’t want to return to work – what can I do?

Here, Alan Price, CEO of BrightHR, advises what businesses can do when an employee doesn't want to return to work, when it is safe to do so.
flexible workers

How to develop resilience for flexible workers

Juliette Cosgrove, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Governance, NHS Professionals, argues that a focus on flexible worker resilience is needed to support those who support the NHS.
employee engagement strategies

Reassessing employee engagement strategies

Lucinda Carney, CEO and Founder of Actus Software, discusses the importance of reassessing employee engagement strategies for a virtual workforce.
mobile workforces

The changing face of mobile working in the public sector

Charles Knight, Managing Director of Public Services at Totalmobile, explores what the public sector might look like post-Covid for its mobile workforce.
relying on technology

The dangers of business and HR relying on technology in Covid times

Rami Cassis, Founder and CEO of Parabellum Investments, discusses the dangers of relying on technology to judge how well an employee is performing and also looks at which cultures expect different things from their HR leaders.
IT workers, Ogel it

Innovative solutions for IT workers at home

Maintaining business as usual while IT workers are at home can be challenging, but with some innovative solutions it doesn’t need to be. Here, Sam Newman, Managing Director of OGEL IT LTD explains how.
joined up workforce

Creating a healthier post-coronavirus culture

Sue Johnson Gregory, principal consultant, and Tim Powlson, senior business consultant at Entec Si, explain how to build a stronger, more joined up workforce in the face of future healthcare crises.
workplace of the future

COVID-19 and the workplace of the future

Here, PLACEmaking looks ahead to how the changes made to our ways of working during the COVID-19 crisis could decide the workplace of the future.
cybercrime risk, IT naturally

The real threat of working from home

Here, IT Naturally discuss how the rise of working from home has lead to a rise in cybercrime risk and how we can combat this.

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