The latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training, compliance, gender pay discrimination and mental health at work. We also look at the latest workplace related research being carried out to improve staff productivity and reduce employee stress.
As the festive season approaches, it also brings along a range of workplace hazards that can threaten employee safety and well-being. Here, we explore what EcoOnline can do to protect UK workers.
David Turner, Managing Director of MSC Digital, outlines the key features of technology design to ensure your organisation can support a complete or partial remote-first workforce.
Working from home is now the norm for so many people, but with one in ten employees still wanting a remote lifestyle for the foreseeable future, what does that mean for employers and what exactly are the risks?.
Lucinda Carney, CEO and Founder of Actus Software, explores how HR can use remote management behaviours within an office setting to successfully navigate an effective approach to working for the long term.
Ali Shalfrooshan, Head of International Assessment R&D, PSI Services, outlines the challenges that organisations face in building a consistent vision that will help to guide inclusive behaviour and highlights the three phases of allyship in the journey towards inclusive leadership.
Juliette Cosgrove, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Governance, NHS Professionals, argues that a focus on flexible worker resilience is needed to support those who support the NHS.
Charles Knight, Managing Director of Public Services at Totalmobile, explores what the public sector might look like post-Covid for its mobile workforce.
Rami Cassis, Founder and CEO of Parabellum Investments, discusses the dangers of relying on technology to judge how well an employee is performing and also looks at which cultures expect different things from their HR leaders.
Maintaining business as usual while IT workers are at home can be challenging, but with some innovative solutions it doesn’t need to be. Here, Sam Newman, Managing Director of OGEL IT LTD explains how.
Sue Johnson Gregory, principal consultant, and Tim Powlson, senior business consultant at Entec Si, explain how to build a stronger, more joined up workforce in the face of future healthcare crises.