
Open Access Government brings you the latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training and mental health.

We cover stories on research to improve workplace staff productivity and employee stress levels to help combat the fear of ’employee burning out’. With expert opinions from companies around the country, you can find articles on workplace benefits and the positives to flexible working hours.

Also available are articles concerning compliance to HR and the problems surrounding gender discrimination and inequality.

STEM skills

What can tech businesses do to address the STEM skills shortage?

A recent STEM skills indicator showed that businesses at the cutting edge of the industrial economy are feeling the effects of a lack of STEM skills in the UK workforce. Rich Mortimer, Chief People Officer, Egress Software Technologies, discusses how tech business can address the issue.
National Sickie Day

Half of UK workers attend job interviews on National Sickie Day

Recent research by Arden University revealed almost half (46%) of UK workers are likely to be at a job interview this National Sickie Day.
job roles, retirement

What job roles could you find yourself in after retirement?

With many elderly citizens across the US either getting ready for or already experiencing their retirement, Acorn Stairlifts has advised on some job roles which perfectly cater for the elderly.
full-time UK employees

Three in ten full-time UK employees plan to change jobs in 2019

Two-fifths of full-time UK employees feel undervalued and believe they are better than their boss – particularly high earners and those in large firms.
gender equality

Why gender equality is a critical economic challenge

Professor Jane Turner OBE DL, Teesside University, explains why we require a significant shift in attitudes and beliefs regarding gender equality in this country.
US businesses, veterans, digital skills gap

Filling the digital skills gap: why US businesses are looking to veterans

US businesses are calling in reinforcements to fill the ever-widening skills gap that pervades the tech sector: our military veterans.

How do you embed commercialisation into your local authority?

When making commercialisation part of your organisation’s DNA, do you focus on having the right culture, structure or strategy? Anthony Roche, Deputy Chief Executive at North Hertfordshire District Council, explains all.
offering mentoring

Why organisations should be offering mentoring

Organisations should be offering mentoring to every employee. There are several, often overlooked, benefits to mentoring programmes which organisations should really consider.
skills shortages

Addressing skills shortages critical to the future of UK science

The UK must address the increasing number of science skills shortages to maintain its world-leading position for medicines and vaccines research and development, says the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).
team building

Five reasons why the New Year is the ideal time for team building

Crown Workforce Management provides insight into why the New Year is an ideal time for businesses to focus on team building in the workplace.
UK employees, disability

Disability made top priority by UK employees over age and gender

Over 50% of UK employees surveyed feel disability is a top priority in the workplace, Wildgoose survey finds.
apprenticeships and graduate schemes

Concerns over specialist jobs despite rise in apprenticeships and graduate schemes

Brexit is not impacting the number of apprenticeships and graduate schemes available this year, but employers are concerned about filling specialist and technical jobs, reports Institute of Student Employers.
innovation key for hospitality, millenials in hotels

Innovation key for hospitality businesses to remain relevant

With more people travelling than ever before, the hospitality industry faces an increasingly diverse range of clients, innovation key for hospitality.
corporate wellbeing, Pharma Nord UK

Could supplements be the answer to staff sickness and corporate wellbeing?

Corporate wellbeing is always an ongoing issue, but could supplying your employees with health supplements be something companies should consider, as suggested by Pharma Nord UK?
four day working week, four day week

The feasibility of the four day working week

The idea of a four day working week has been a large talking point for months, following high profile studies and trials from companies around the world expressing the benefits for employee wellbeing and improved work/life balance.
health and safety technology, businesses

New health and safety technology for businesses in 2019

TRUE Solicitors have identified the latest health and safety technology that businesses should look out for in 2019.
workspaces happier

The case for businesses to make their workspaces happier

A new study warns that workers do not feel valued or fulfilled in their offices and presents the case for businesses to make their workspaces happier.
employment figures

Employment Minister welcomes new record employment figures

New employment figures confirmed 2018 had the UK’s strongest jobs market on record with latest figures showing more people in work than ever before.
benefits for career success, mentorship

The importance of mentorship: benefits for career success

The career success of some people can be improved by professional mentorship from the very people they idolise.
career blues

Eight ways to crush the career blues in 2019

As Blue Monday hits, Instant Offices have provided top tips on how UK workers can crush the career blues and boost their work-life balance.

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