
Open Access Government brings you the latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training and mental health.

We cover stories on research to improve workplace staff productivity and employee stress levels to help combat the fear of ’employee burning out’. With expert opinions from companies around the country, you can find articles on workplace benefits and the positives to flexible working hours.

Also available are articles concerning compliance to HR and the problems surrounding gender discrimination and inequality.

How does workplace safety fare across Europe?

Luke Rees, Head of Digital at Accuracast examines data on workplace safety across Europe and analyses discrepancies between nations on how safe workers feel Danger is...

Brexit brain drain is a threat to the technology sector

The technology sector is under threat from a Brexit brain drain as the number of overseas applicants applying for UK jobs since the referendum drops

Evidence based health promotion at work

Health promotion is the workplace is a key priority in the 21st Century, explains Jaana Laitinen of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

Apprenticeship reforms: The role of training providers

Mark Dawe, Chief Executive, AELP says apprenticeship reforms can tackle poor productivity but the support of training providers is necessary to succeed

New initiatives highlight the value of apprenticeships

James Kelly, Chief Executive of the British Security Industry Association looks at the value of apprenticeships and how they are shaping the industry
Overcoming the talent shortage in the public sector

Overcoming the talent shortage in the public sector

In these challenging times the public sector needs courageous, innovative and diverse leaders, says Martin Tucker, Chief Executive at GatenbySanderson

Accessibility for all is not an option – it’s a fundamental right

European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, explains why accessibility is important for all citizens
gender diversity uk businesses

How do we drive forward gender diversity?

There’s still a way to go to achieve gender diversity in business, as Dr Jill Miller at CIPD, the professional body for HR and...
invest in women leaders group of young people

Why we should invest in women leaders as agents of change

ICAEW speaks to Philip Haberman, Senior Partner and Founder of forensic accounting firm Haberman Ilett, about how important it is to invest in women leaders Philip...
gender pay gap recommendations women at work

Gender pay gap recommendations ignored by government

The cross-party Women and Equalities Committee says the government is ignoring its gender pay gap recommendations and failing to tackle the issue The gender pay...
talent management in the public sector overhead interview

We need to keep attracting talent to the public sector

HR managers need to focus on talent management and promoting the public sector as an attractive place to work, writes Sue Evans, President of...
DWP plans to close jobcentres

DWP reveals plans to close jobcentres

The Department for Work and Pensions says plans to merge or close more than 75 jobcentres up and down the country will allow them to...
HR compliance woman at desk

The importance of HR compliance

Tom Neil, a writer at Acas, explains the necessity of HR compliance, and why it makes sense to go above and beyond your legal...
Career development in public administration Leeds

Career development in public administration

Professor Mark Priestley from the University of Leeds considers the options for professional career development in public administration No one said dealing with an ageing...
women as leaders cranfield university

Women as Leaders: Why women on boards matter

Alison Cutland, executive development partner at the Praxis Centre for Leadership, explains why women as leaders are benefiting business On the face of it, things...
Apprenticeship levy to help close skills gap

How will the apprenticeship levy help close the skills gap?

The new apprenticeship levy could help address the skills gap in the UK, argues Penny Hydraulics’ general manager Jess Penny If you work within the...
police officers need degree by 2020

New police officers will need a degree from 2020

The College of Policing is introducing measures to ensure new police officers are educated to degree level from 2020, in line with the modern...
career development

How to advance your career in public policy   

If you’re seeking a career in the governmental or non-profit sectors, a Master of Public Administration could provide the step up you need... If you’ve...

Reforming Britain’s apprenticeships

Mark Dawe, chief executive of the Association of Employment and Learning Providers, discusses the reform of apprenticeships in the UK and what the outcomes...

What does it take to be a public sector leader in contemporary Britain?

Jody Goldsworthy, Senior Partner, GatenbySanderson outlines the ever-changing role of the public sector leader and what it entails...  The UK is facing an unprecedented period...

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