
UK Government announced new amendments to the Employment Rights Bill

Today, the UK Government announced its amendments to the Employment Rights Bill to improve workers' rights and foster economic growth.

Taking high tech steps to reduce the cost of staff turnover

Staff turnover has a serious impact on a company, costing time, resources and money, according to recent reports collected by Instant Offices

359 high-tech jobs to be created from £109 million investment

Hundreds of high-tech jobs are expected to be created from overseas investment into the UK’s thriving FinTech, information technology and advanced engineering sectors

Bullying and harassment in the NHS could be costing billions

Bullying and harassment in the NHS in England could be costing the organization over £2 billion per year, according to new research published in Public Money & Management

The rise of remote working: Top global industries leading the way

Instant Offices investigates what industries are leading the way for remote working and how to overcome the typical challenges of managing a remote team

HR professionals say workplace environment contributes to sickness levels

New research carried out by HR consultants AdviserPlus has revealed 64% of HR professionals say that a poor workplace environment can 'substantially' contribute to...

Why 98% of employees are changing jobs every 5 years

An increasing number of workers are placing more importance on job satisfaction and happiness rather than money and ‘a job for life’ with more of us changing jobs due to workplace unhappiness 

Scandinavian countries beat Britain on good work-life balance

Denmark and Sweden sit at the top of the list for finding the perfect work-life balance while the UK came in at an unlucky 13th position.

The demise of the 9-5: What will the future of the office look like?

With the aim to uncover what the future of the office will look like, video web conferencing provider PowWowNow delved into research and interviewed experts and young professionals to outline the changes society is bringing to the workplace

Revealed: The pressures causing employees to act unethically in their workplace

Reboot Digital Agency analysed the latest findings from the Institute of Business Ethics, who surveyed 764 UK employees to see if they had compromised...

A third of young people have no career aspirations after education

Equifax has teamed up with Young Enterprise to take a deeper look into how young people feel about money and their career aspirations

£3 million to boost digital skills in Manchester

The government has confirmed that £3 million will be invested to help strengthen digital skills in Greater Manchester and the surrounding areas

Employees still feel uncomfortable requesting flexible working

New research from Addeco Group has revealed that 13% of employees still feel uncomfortable requesting flexible working

UK sector vacancies outweigh student enrolments

With continuous demand for skilled employees in some of the country’s highest growth sectors, the UK skills gap is a major and well-publicised crisis that, according to a report by Open University, costs the country more than £2bn a year

Drone training professionals discover sharp rise in women enrolling on UAV courses

RUSTA, which offers Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) approved National Qualified Entity (NQE) drone training courses, noticed an upsurge in women across the UK registering on its courses in the last 12 months

NHS pledges action to eliminate ethnicity pay gap

The NHS will work towards eliminating the gender pay gap and ensuring top managers are as diverse as the staff they represent

Environment Agency commits to help eradicate modern day slavery

The Environment Agency (EA) has committed to working with police and enforcement agencies to eradicate modern day slavery from the waste and recycling industry by training officers to spot signs of exploitation during site inspections


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