
UK Government announced new amendments to the Employment Rights Bill

Today, the UK Government announced its amendments to the Employment Rights Bill to improve workers' rights and foster economic growth.

How to ask your employer for extra training and education

Members of the Newcastle College adult learning department gave their advice on what to consider when asking your employer for extra training and education.

Third of UK workers not given the flexibility and support required to do their job

A third of UK workers believe they are not given the flexibility and support they need to do their job properly, according to a YouGov survey commissioned by leading HR and payroll supplier MHR

UK worker’s attention spans are suffering due to tech multi-tasking

The attention spans of time-poor UK workers are suffering as a result of multi-screening across their devices at work when they should be concentrating

Careers within STEM: What has STEM ever done for me?

STEM, four little letters that stand for big subjects: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Careers within STEM account for 20% of the UK's total workforce, employing close to 5.8 million people. Clearly - STEM matters

UK faces employability skills gap as nearly 60% of adults lack the full set of core transferable skills

The UK is facing a significant skills gap as the public fail to demonstrate core employability skills, such as leadership and creativity, a major new study from Barclays LifeSkills can reveal

Dyslexic employees could help to solve the skills shortages of the future

The unique way dyslexic people view and interact with the world could help companies meet the challenges of business in the 21st century, according to a ground-breaking new report, by EY and the charity Made by Dyslexia 

Exploring the impact of an ageing workforce

The population of the UK is getting larger, with a figure of 65.6 million released by the Office for National Statistics in 2016. But it's not just increasing - the population is getting older too, with 18% of the UK being 65+ and 2.4% being 85+

What ‘The Apprentice’ can teach us about the workplace

Each year tens of thousands of people apply to take part in Alan Sugar’s The Apprentice, and whilst the blunt ‘you’re fired’ may not be typical of every workplace, there are some valuable lessons for anyone who wants to be a success in the workplace

Accelerate the digital transformation journey

Mark Hastings of Rainmaker Solutions offers public sector leaders some thoughts on how to accelerate their digital transformation journeys.

UK managers feel their gender or age hinders confidence in the workplace

Half of UK managers feel their gender or age has diminished colleagues’ confidence in them and women are five times more likely to feel that their gender hinders confidence in them in the workplace 

Research into working conditions: Most employees can work smarter

Open Access Government lifts the lid on a recent survey about working conditions today which reveals that most employees can work smarter, given the chance

What will smart working look like 10 years from now?

Alison White of PLACEmaking and Barney Smith of Perform Green take a look at exciting future technology solutions and what ‘going to work’ will look like 10 years from now

What does the pay gap look like in Britain?

The latest data by the Office for National Statistics has found that, while the gender gap in the UK has been steadily closing with the gap reported to have reached a record low in 2017, the average woman in the workplace still earns 9.1% less than the average man        

Ways to improve employee productivity with workforce innovation

Employee productivity plays an important part in your business' success. This is why you need to follow these tips from Peter Davidson to improve workforce innovation 

Freelancers will dominate UK workforce despite job uncertainty concerns

Whilst freelancers will soon be the UK’s dominant workforce, there is still uncertainty around job security and a big issue with the gender pay gap

How apprentices contribute to the UK’s construction industry

Amy Hodgetts, Copywriter for Niftylift Ltd explores just how apprentices contribute to the UK’s construction industry.


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