The latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training, compliance, gender pay discrimination and mental health at work. We also look at the latest workplace related research being carried out to improve staff productivity and reduce employee stress.
Prime Minister Theresa May has announced the launch of an innovative programme to address ethnic inequalities in youth unemployment and to help disadvantaged young people get into work
Hundreds of disabled employees are to benefit from a £15,000 rise in Access to Work grants to assist them at work, following new measures introduced by Parliament
The Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) has successfully launched Apprenticeships Plus including an Apprenticeship Training Agency to research and access apprenticeships for their members
The Careers & Enterprise Company is calling out to employers across all sectors and industries to help make a real difference to the lives of young people
Twenty-two-year-old Jack Brittain is well on his way to becoming an engineer thanks to an apprenticeship opportunity on the biggest road project currently in construction provided by Highways England
Graduate surveyor Charlotte Williams is urging schools to do more to make young women aware of surveying as a career as International Women’s Day approaches
BSRIA is celebrating International Women’s Day on Thursday 8th March but as an industry – Julia Evans, Chief Executive, BSRIA – asks: are we doing enough to nurture and inspire the excellence of female engineers – both into the construction industry and beyond the ‘glass ceiling’?
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW2018) – running from Monday 5th to Friday 9th March - brings together employers and apprentices from across England to celebrate the success of apprenticeships
Millions of workers will receive new rights under major government reforms as the UK addresses the challenges in the changing world of work
The government...