
Open Access Government brings you the latest workplace news covering a range of topics such as HR, skills, training and mental health.

We cover stories on research to improve workplace staff productivity and employee stress levels to help combat the fear of ’employee burning out’. With expert opinions from companies around the country, you can find articles on workplace benefits and the positives to flexible working hours.

Also available are articles concerning compliance to HR and the problems surrounding gender discrimination and inequality.

Productivity Day, work

How to keep your balance this World Productivity Day

Productivity is vital for all organisations to thrive, and in today’s always-on society, many employees are feeling the pressure to get more work done than ever before.
Employee engagement

The best solution to workplace performance is employee engagement

From Richard Branson to Stephen Covey it's a widely shared belief that people are a company's greatest asset - it is simply not possible to build a prosperous business without good people.

What is the role of the meeting room in the post COVID pandemic workplace

Alison White of PLACEmaking asks what impact the post-COVID pandemic workplace has had on the traditional office meeting room.
women in leadership, sarah jones

What is the future of women in leadership?

Women in leadership are the future and they should push for career progress, according to seasoned Leadership Coach Sarah Jones.
black people in tech, colourintech

56% of Black people in tech felt unable to negotiate salary

Data from Colourintech and Meta shows that 56% of Black people in tech feel unable to negotiate a fair salary - while 75% of white respondents feel empowered in doing so.
diversity, tokenism

Lack of diversity brings ‘colourism’ and ‘tokenism’ to retail websites

Lighter-skinned models are more frequently used to represent diversity on most retail websites – if there are darker-skinned models, they’re ‘tokens’ of diverse marketing.
sexual harassment in the workplace

Gender segregation contributes to sexual harassment in the workplace

Individuals who form the gender minority at work are more likely to experience sexual harassment in the workplace and leave the job.
first child, women's earnings

Women begin to earn less after having their first child

Women’s earnings have been found to decrease following the birth of their first child – but the drop in salary is not applicable to fathers.
women with promotions, workplace

Women with promotions feel more overwhelmed and stressed at work

Women with promotions are more frustrated at work – as promotions are at a greater emotional benefit for men than women.
women in economics,

Only 25% of global senior-level positions held by women in economics

Women are noticeably underrepresented in many academic professions, with a distinct lack of women in economics – particularly in universities.
minority groups, diversity in medicine

Diversity in medicine sees more women, but lacks minority groups in U.S

Diversity in medicine across the U.S is not equal with population changes – while women see gains in representation, minority groups continue to go underrepresented.

Redefining Multi-skilling in the public sector in 2022

With a widening skills gap, ever-shrinking budgets and the Great Resignation in full swing, there are many challenges for the public sector to overcome in the coming months.
managing demanding workloads, brainwork

How workflows can help people manage demanding workloads

Michele Don Durbin, SVP of Marketing at Evernote, explains what workflows are and how one can help you and your team to manage demanding workloads.
Career development

Career development and mentoring do not need to suffer due to hybrid working

Alison White of PLACEmaking reflects on how career development might be influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and the move to hybrid working.
cross-organisation working

Public bodies’ digitally assisted transition to cross-organisation working

Kieron Murphy, Chief Customer Officer at Matrix Booking, explores the concept of smart sharing, explaining that public bodies seek a digitally assisted transition towards cross-organisation working
LGBT+ physicists, exclusionary behaviour

One in five LGBT+ physicists experience exclusionary behaviour

LGBT+ physicists face exclusionary behaviours that can lead to a change of field - with 15% of early career scientists identifying as LGBT+, what could this mean for the future?
workplace discrimination, religious groups

50% of Jewish people report workplace discrimination

While Christians say their moral issues result in workplace discrimination, Muslims and Jewish people feel more targeted by Islamophobic and anti-Semitic rhetoric.
hybrid workplace

Is the post pandemic hybrid workplace supporting the ‘levelling-up’ agenda?

Alison White, co-founder workplace designers and change advisers PLACEmaking, discusses the shift in our mentality towards a work-life balance post pandemic 
trust in government, workplace

How do our attitudes to work reflect our trust in government?

It seems that having higher levels of trust in the government leads people to feel more secure in their jobs, producing better standards of work.
the property sector, workforce

Working from home: The impact on the property sector

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management, reflects on how the pandemic has affected working patterns along with the impact of working from home on the property sector.

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