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EU invests €29 Million in advancing science engagement and early research careers

The European Commission has announced a recent investment of €29 million in three initiatives under Horizon Europe's WIDERA program, looking to support public engagement with science, provide better opportunities for early-career researchers, and enhance the practical application of research in society and the economy,

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

Reducing challenges and increasing skills in the aerospace sector

John Laughlin, Aerospace Programme Lead Innovate UK answers questions from AG on the UK aerospace sector and challenges that lie ahead

Looking beyond the refugee crisis: what are the long-term impacts?

After 10 years conducting research on the refugee crisis, Professor Michael Nijhawan highlights the resilience and agency of young migrants

Molecular and cellular mechanisms of cancer

Professor Wen Jiang, Dr Andrew Sanders and Dr Lin Ye from the Cardiff China Medical Research Collaborative, Cardiff University School of Medicine highlight the work...

Funding and supporting young researchers in Denmark

Peter Munk Christiansen, Danish Council for Independent Research on how independent research funds were awarded to a record-high number of young researchers

EU Commissioner calls for research papers to be free to read

EU Commissioner for Research Carlos Moedas gives support for EU-funded research papers to be free to read - although not necessarily free to publish

The reverberating impacts of detecting gravitational waves

Denise Caldwell, National Science Foundation’s Physics Division, looks at what the future holds for gravitational wave research

Promoting and funding research excellence in Germany

AG highlights the work of the German Research Foundation, including how they promote research and innovation and their Excellence Initiative

How stem cell research is being boosted in Switzerland

Adrian Heuss, Head of Knowledge Transfer on the NRP63 Programme tells Editor Laura Evans more about NRP63 and Stem Cell Research Stem cell research can play...

Creating gender equality knowledge in Switzerland today

Brigitte Liebig, Swiss National Science Foundation on the results of the NRP 60 program & how it will create knowledge regarding gender equality

Quantum theory of matter and light

The Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London, UK The metamaterial concept has in recent years inspired scientists to conceive perfect lenses, new lasers,...

Industrial biotechnology workshops start academia–industry collaborations

Profile by Alison Parkin, the University of York and Jon Lloyd, University of Manchester A key aim of the Metals in Biology network, one of...

It’s all around us – Heterocyclic chemistry

No surprise that the public interest is readily attracted through the media to the latest fashions in science and it’s good that there is...

Materials characterisation in support of power generation

Mechanical characterisation of high-performance materials has been a long-standing area of expertise at Swansea University. A succession of academics has promoted an intimate relationship...

Inspiring growth in the aerospace industry

John Laughlin, Aerospace Programme Lead at Innovate UK answers AG’s questions regarding investment in the aerospace industry and how Innovate UK play an integral...

The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs AISBL

The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) is Europe’s principal trade body for small to medium-sized innovative companies working in the field of pharmaceuticals....


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