North America Analysis

Research & Innovation News

Open Access Government has a large variety of Scientific Research and Innovation information that is available in this category.

This section explores the latest breakthroughs in all aspects of science: including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology. There is extensive research on psychological and social patterns that occur in everyday life.

Information is available on scientific policies that the government might adopt. Along with the changes and developments of global space policy. We cover the ongoing rise of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and cancer research breakthroughs along with countries and their own individual research priorities.

Within this category we explore the massive increase and growth in CBD research and production, there is a lot of interesting information available.

Antivaxxers holding sign at protest reading 'GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO YOU SAY NO TO THE VACCINE SAVE THE CHILDREN'

Overconfidence lends itself to anti-scientific views

Overconfidence bolsters anti-scientific views as the further an individual strays from science, the stronger their opinions become.
aviation plane in the background with jet fuel in the foreground

Solar-powered tower for carbon neutral jet fuel production

Researchers have developed a carbon neutral solar-powered aviation fuel production system that uses water, CO2 and sunlight.
an image of Jupiter from Space

Why doesn’t Jupiter have bigger rings?

Due to its size, Jupiter should theoretically have even more specular rings than Saturn however research has shown that its massive moons are preventing this.
European Union flag on concrete, broken concept

Ensuring funding stability following Horizon Europe delays

The UK Government has put safeguards in place to protect its researcher's from the potential removal from the Horizon Europe funding programme.
Airplane under repair in the aerospace hangar in the background of the gate and bright sunlight

Low-carbon aerospace technology backed by £273 million government innovation fund

The UK government has backed an innovation fund for low-carbon aerospace technology to help job opportunities for the global green flight revolution.
Floating globe art on the water on September 5, 2012 in Amsterdam. The art was made from plastic bottles and other junk collected around the city by Peter Singer.

Horizon Europe: Six European cities piloting solutions for circular waste

European cities are moving towards becoming fully circular – not only recycling all their waste but also changing their production modes to fit circular waste models.
Image of a solar panel reflecting the image of some clouds on a sunny day

Clean tech projects get a €1.8 billion boost through the EU Innovation Fund

In an effort to help bring breakthrough technologies to the market, the EU has chosen to invest €1.8 billion in 16 large-scale innovative clean-tech projects under the third round of awards under the Innovation Fund.
DNA motors

Computerized DNA motors are moving molecular robotics to the next level

Researchers have developed DNA motors with the ability to sense and process chemical information – mimicking the basic properties of living cells
unseen universe, JWST

The unseen universe, a new era for astronomy through James Webb

NASA has revealed a selection of new images from the James Webb Space Telescope JWST – allowing us to gain a whole new vision of the universe.
James Webb, infrared, viewing the universe

Viewing the universe anew: James Webb reveals its first infrared image

NASA has released the first official image from its current large-scale telescope project – the James Webb Space Telescope. Enabling America to "go places no one has ever gone before"

How do pandas survive solely on bamboo?

Pandas survive on a diet of bamboo, despite being bears. Why is this? The panda's long evolutionary history offers an answer.

Understanding pulsars: exploring the first exoplanet detections

A survey of 800 pulsars by Jodrell Bank over the last 50 years has revealed less than 0.5% of all known pulsars could host Earth-mass planets.
mindulness meditation, reduce pain

How does mindfulness meditation reduce pain in the body?

Mindfulness meditation reduces pain by separating it from the self, where neural circuitry supports mindfulness-induced pain relief

Why did the T-Rex have tiny arms?

The discovery of a giant new dinosaur may explain why the T-Rex and so many other prehistoric meat-eaters had such tiny arms.

The all-in-one vaccine for future COVID-19 threats

Using almost $30 million in funding, an all-in-one vaccine is being developed to bring new protection against a range of new and existing coronavirus variants.

Dancing to groove music improves brain function

Research shows that dancing to groovy music doesn't just make us feel good, it also increases brain function.
gecko feet, setae

What’s the secret to gecko feet that allows them to stick to surfaces?

Gecko adhesion has its own molecular structure: where gecko feet are covered in a super-thin layer of lipids that help them stay sticky.
European Innovation Agenda

The Commission’s new European Innovation Agenda

July 2022 saw the European Commission’s attempt to spearhead what is known as the new innovation wave with its ‘European Innovation Agenda” placing it at the forefront of deep-tech innovation and start-ups.
scuba3, hair loss

SCUBE3 as a treatment for hair loss and alopecia

SCUBE3, a signalling molecule, could be used as a therapeutic treatment against hair loss and androgenetic alopecia for women and men.

Stress accelerates aging of the immune system

Stress such as trauma, job strain, everyday worries and even discrimination contributes to the aging of the immune system.

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