The latest news, developments and research findings from all fields of science including biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology and space, including news on the latest policies regulating this sector.
To support unpaid carers and improve their wellbeing, the government has announced a £22.6 million investment in innovative projects that will help to ease their responsibilities and improve their quality of life.
Academic experts Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, Thomas Lagkas and Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, walk us through the Next Generation IoT Reference Solution, known as The TERMINET Project.
PinPoint Data Science addresses the acute challenges of cancer diagnostics in the post-COVID NHS. Could their innovative machine learning platform be the low-cost, high-impact solution UK healthcare needs?
Dr Thomas W. Jones, Professor at the University of Minnesota, walks us through his research concerning illuminating cosmological signposts with cosmic rays.
Kouji Takeda*, Masataka Jitsuno* and Yumie Akaishi** examine the utilisation of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in integrated inquiry activities, starting with current status in Japan.
Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Assistant professor and Scientific co-ordinator, University of Turku, explores how intergenerational social inequalities shape lives
Eugene M. Terentjev, Professor of Polymer Physics from the University of Cambridge, describes Smart Plastics, including a radically new polymer system, liquid crystal elastomers and the associated applications.
New project to allow blind or partially sighted individuals to ‘hear’ the universe is providing a more inclusive side to astronomy
This research is offering...
Maria Lugaro and Marco Pignatari, Senior Researchers at the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences examine radioactive isotopes from stars, from the archaeology...
Australia has committed to investing heavily in its medical future – but will it be ready for the regenerative medicine revolution? John Gardner from Monash University and Michael Morrison from the University of Oxford provide the answer.