North America Analysis

Research & Innovation News

Open Access Government has a large variety of Scientific Research and Innovation information that is available in this category.

This section explores the latest breakthroughs in all aspects of science: including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology. There is extensive research on psychological and social patterns that occur in everyday life.

Information is available on scientific policies that the government might adopt. Along with the changes and developments of global space policy. We cover the ongoing rise of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and cancer research breakthroughs along with countries and their own individual research priorities.

Within this category we explore the massive increase and growth in CBD research and production, there is a lot of interesting information available.

polymeric hydrogel material

Materials science: Reverse glass transition in a polymeric hydrogel material

Takayuki Nonoyama from Hokkaido University in Japan focuses on an aspect of materials science behind the soft matter that possesses a rubbery-to-glassy transition in a novel polymeric hydrogel material, contrary to the intrinsic property of polymers.
digital personality

Digital personality change interventions

Dr Mathias Allemand from University of Zurich and Dr Mirjam Stieger from Brandeis University tell us what we need to know about digital personality change interventions and research in the field.
food poverty map, local authorities

Innovate UK give £47,000 to “food poverty map” project

A team at the University of Nottingham are working with OLIO to create a "food poverty map" via machine learning that could help local authorities target their food support.
water-related extreme events, NSF

Towards resilience against water-related extreme events

Dr Anjuli S. Bamzai, NSF Division Director for Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences and Ms Elizabeth Zelenski, Staff Associate, NSF Office of the Assistant Director for Geosciences, explain research on water-related extreme events that have profound implications for society.
Cellular processes

Cellular processes: Chromosome number patterns seen in ferns

Paul G. Wolf, Professor and Chair, Biological Sciences at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, explains cellular processes and attempts to link them to the chromosome number patterns seen in a particular group of plants: ferns.
Pfizer vaccine, COVID-19

Pfizer vaccine is more than 90% successful in preventing COVID-19

Created without US Government funding, the BioNTech and Pfizer vaccine is revealed to be over 90% effective against COVID-19.

Biological sciences: Determining phenotype from genotype

The NSF’s Division of Integrative Organismal Systems, within the Directorate for Biological Sciences, discusses how their work determining phenotype from genotype is fighting food insecurity.
radio signals in space, space

New evidence emerges on origin of radio signals in space

Astronomers are investigating radio signals in space, aka fast radio bursts (FRBs), often described as the biggest space mystery we have.
treat childhood cancer, experiments

New research suggests antidepressants could treat childhood cancer

Researchers found that a commonly used antidepressant could treat childhood cancer - successfully stopping growth in lab experiments so far.
quantum technology collaboration, canada

UKRI invests £2 million into Canada-UK quantum technology collaboration

The UK and Canada have launched a quantum technology collaboration, following an agreement to share this knowledge in 2017.
Moon-like asteroid

Scientists discover Moon-like asteroid hiding behind Mars

Scientists from the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium (AOP) have discovered a Moon-like asteroid hiding behind Mars.
dinosaur fossil

Duckbilled dinosaur fossil discovered in Africa

A new duckbilled dinosaur fossil has been discovered in Africa suggesting that they crossed hundreds of kilometres of open water to get there.
lunar meteorite

A new mineral has been discovered in a lunar meteorite

A team of European researchers have discovered a new high-pressure mineral in the lunar meteorite Oued Awlitis 001, named donwilhelmsite [CaAl4Si2O11].

£200k Digital Innovation and Engagement fund launches for museums

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has partnered with the Museums Association and The Liminal Space to launch a new £200k Digital Innovation and Engagement fund for museums.
new COVID-19 infections, uk

Research finds 96,000 new COVID-19 infections daily in the UK

Imperial College London found that the R number is now at 1.6, which means that new COVID-19 infections are steadily increasing.
planet the size of earth, physics

Astronomers discover a planet the size of Earth

Astronomers have discovered a new planet the size of Earth in the Milky Way, which does not orbit any host star.

£4 million data project to accelerate COVID-19 treatment

The new £4 million research project, CO-CONNECT, will help scientists access data to help develop potential treatments for COVID-19.
research laboratories

UKRI invests £88 million to modernise research laboratories

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is investing £88 million to modernise research laboratories and expand world-leading facilities.
UK-India COVID-19

New £8m funding supports UK-India COVID-19 research collaboration

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India are launching a joint funding initiative to support the UK-India COVID-19 research collaboration.
vampire bats socially distance

Vampire bats socially distance themselves when sick

A new paper, published by Oxford University Press, has found that wild vampire bats socially distance themselves from their community when they are sick to slow the spread of disease.

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