North America Analysis

Research & Innovation News

Open Access Government has a large variety of Scientific Research and Innovation information that is available in this category.

This section explores the latest breakthroughs in all aspects of science: including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Sociology. There is extensive research on psychological and social patterns that occur in everyday life.

Information is available on scientific policies that the government might adopt. Along with the changes and developments of global space policy. We cover the ongoing rise of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and cancer research breakthroughs along with countries and their own individual research priorities.

Within this category we explore the massive increase and growth in CBD research and production, there is a lot of interesting information available.

Research on Egyptian and Nubian settlement archaeology

Julia Budka, Professor of Egyptian Archaeology, LMU Munich, outlines the need for further research addressing living conditions of Egyptian and Nubian towns

Achieving excellence in Dutch science

Open Access Government’s, M Warrender outlines how the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science in the Netherlands is driving excellence in Dutch science

Investigating the application of biocatalysis for industry

Cristina Otero from the Biocatalysis and Bioenergy Group outlines how the laboratory is applying the biocatalysis for food, cosmetics, and renewable energy

The COSMOS project: a first progress report

Professor Nicola Vittorio of Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ reviews the first 6 months of the COSMOS project and how it is progressing

Scientists discover how to hack computers using DNA

‘Sci fi becomes real’ as scientists in Washington use information stored in DNA to hack computers

The France Europe 2020 strategy will develop strong research

Open Access Government’s MF Warrender explains how the France Europe 2020 strategy will help researchers respond to the societal challenges of the future

The peer review process: is there room for improvement?

Professor Stan Gielen, President of NWO discusses whether changes are needed to the peer review process and how these can be implemented successfully

Large frame ring lasers and their role in earthquake research

Dr Angela Di Virgilio, of the INFN Sezione di Pisa shares insight into the GINGER project and the importance of large frame ring lasers in earth science

Is precision medicine for membranous nephropathy a dream?

Professor Pierre Ronco and Dr Hanna Debiec discuss the viability of precision medicine in treating patients with the rare disease membranous nephropathy

Photonic nanostructures and the electron microscope

Shima Kadkhodazadeh, researcher at DTU Cen talks about the role of electron microscopy in developments in photonic nanostructures

Scientists reveal first 3D images of DNA in living human cells

Scientists at the Salk Institute in California have generated the first 3D images of human DNA structure inside living cells
science and research

Measuring the impact of science and research in Ontario

Minister Reza Moridi explains how Ontario is bridging the divide between ideas and application when it comes to science and research

The evolution of Staphylococcus aureus

Head of the Genomic Research Laboratory François shares insight into Staphylococcus aureus and how it the bacteria has evolved over the years

Highlighting the key Italian research priorities

Open Access Government’s Ciara Ruane details research funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and their key priorities.

High-performance computing can create new opportunities

Alison Kennedy of the STFC Hartree Centre shares the benefits of high-performance computing and how it can be utilised to make the UK more...

The Lamy report: Ensuring inspirational research

In a speech, EU Research Commissioner Carlos Moedas highlights the findings of the Lamy report and shares why it is necessary to reform the research system

Focusing on high quality research in Sweden

Open Access Government’s MF Warrender shares how Education Minister Helene Hellmark Knutsson is ensuring high quality research in Sweden occurs

Tackling gender imbalance in the research ecosystem

The gender imbalance in the research ecosystem is something that must be addressed. Stephan Kuster, Acting Director of Science Europe discusses

Image-guided surgery as an emerging treatment for lung cancer

Sumith A Kularatne, Vice President of Research & Development at On Target Laboratories discusses the scope of image-guided surgery in treating lung cancer

NSERC: Advancing science and technology in Canada

Open Access Government’s M F Warrender highlights the work being undertaken by NSERC to pioneer scientific advancement in Canada

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