Health & Social Care Reports

cardiorespiratory health

Continuous real-world monitoring of cardiorespiratory health

The importance of continuous real-world monitoring of cardiorespiratory health, including adding value to pivotal clinical trials.
Voice biomarkers for assisted driving

Voice biomarkers that identify driving skills

Professor Shinichi Tokuno discusses voice biomarkers, and the application in the field of assisted driving for the elderly.
CBD treatment

New study shows CBD treatment may help treat pain, anxiety, and depression

Here, OilsBySimpson explains the findings of a new study on 400 patients prescribed cannabidiol (CBD). The results show promise for pain, anxiety, and depression.

Resilience is like a muscle we can train

Resilience in times of crises and how to come our stronger - an interview about with Prof. Dr. Brigitte Anderl-Doliwa and Franz-Josef Wagner.
Covid testing laboratories

Covid screening: Let private accredited laboratories show their worth

Professors Alan Thornhill and Darren Griffin of the University of Kent call for more qualified diagnostic labs to be used in battle against Covid.
Empty cities during COVID-19 pandemic

The environmental health lessons of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a number of lessons regarding the critical impact of environmental pollution on human health.
Contaminants and infections: a link to explore duriving the Covid-19 pandemic

Contaminants and infections: a link to explore

Discussing infections in light of the recent pandemic of COVID-19, Alberto Mantovani of Endocrine Disruptors Project delves in to what we can learn.
Sugary drinks tax and the war on obesity

Taxes on sugary beverages and ultra-processed food: Noncommunicable disease and obesity prevention strategies

Discussing taxes on sugary beverages, important components of noncommunicable disease (NCDs) and obesity prevention strategies.

RealWorld4Clinic – Real-life data for clinical research & care

RealWorld4Clinic is a new European initiative bringing real-world data to pivotal clinical research and outpatient cardiology care.
Microplastics - looking at the problem

Asking the question: Are Microplastics a Macro Problem?

Pamela J. Lein, PhD, Professor at the University of California, Davis, discusses the issue around microplastics and what we actually know.
dental filling material

Industrial partnership with university leads research on alternative dental filling material

Case study: UCL researchers and dental materials manufacturer collaborate to speed up the development of a new dental filling material for children.
BPA - Bisphenol A

Growing health concerns: Are BPA-free products safer?

BPA (Bisphenol A), a high production volume chemical in plastics and resin, is being linked to health concerns - here Professor Lein discusses.
Toxicology - looking at health and environmental risks

Health and environmental risks of the near future

Alberto Mantovani discusses emerging health and environmental risks we are now facing, with a focus on toxicological risk assessment.

Intoxicating Beauty: Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics

Professor Pamela Lein discusses the toxic chemicals in our cosmetic products that are not as readily recognised by consumers as potentially harmful.
Medizinische Fakultät Universität Augsburg

Signalling and metabolism: Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like proteases

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Regina Fluhrer discusses Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like proteases and their role in cellular signalling and metabolism.
University of Calgary-Faculty of Kinesiology

Discussing the AIM study (Adiposity, Influenza and Men)

A common experience to the influenza vaccine: wouldn’t it be nice! Dr. Patricia Doyle-Baker discusses the AIM study, the issues and the results.

E-Cigarettes: Safer But Not Safe

Professor Pamela Lein discusses e-cigarettes, their rise in use and the misconception that they are safe as little is still known about the health effects.

The link between traffic-related air pollution and neurologic disease?

Pamela Lein and Rhianna Morgan discuss organosulfates and the growing connection between air pollution and neurologic disease The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that traffic-related...
University of Calgary-Faculty of Kinesiology

Keeping the message simple: Energy Expenditure of Restaurant Servers

Do restaurant servers walk more than 10,000 steps in a shift? Dr. Doyle-Baker discusses energy expenditure in relation to occupation and leisure activity.
Does your neighbourhood affect social cohesion and the feeling of lonliness?

Risk of loneliness does not depend on the neighbourhood you live in

Does your neighbourhood affect social cohesion and the feeling of loneliness? Gideon Bolt & Roxanne van Nieuwamerongen discuss There is an extensive debate on the...

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