Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
Pfalzklinikum and the Alliance against Depression Landau-Südliche Weinstraße e.V.: Challenges in 2016
The targets of the Alliance’s work are information on depression and its treatment possibilities, destigmatization as well as information on concrete contact points and...
Peer work in mental health – The major break-through of obstinacy?
Now we see it happen again: an apparently new term appears in the sky of psychiatry: "peer work". It means that now ill people...
Gynaecological cancers –prevention and early detection
Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention
According to World...
Connecting the dots between physical and mental health
Ophelie Martin, Communications Officer at Mental Health Europe shares insights on the link between physical and mental health, illustrating facts with her own personal...
Citizens with mental illness are helped by tele-rehabilitation using video technologies
Citizens with mental disorder face a number of challenges returning to everyday life following discharge from psychiatric hospital. The citizens often feel insecure, anxious,...
Research opportunities in Acute Medicine
Dinesen L1, 2, Poots AJ1, Bell D1, 2. 1.NIHR CLAHRC NW London, Imperial College London 2.Dept. Acute Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
What is Acute...
Prediction of cancer treatment outcome using physics
Vittorio Cristini1,2, Eugene J. Koay3, and Zhihui Wang1,2
1Department of NanoMedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX 77054, USA
Illustration of Variation in Muscle Radiodensity
Our research group has developed a novel lens with which to view cancer patients: using computed tomography (CT) images routinely taken during clinical assessment,...
Change in perspective
3 of 4 special reports on non-chemical cell communication.
When we add the cell’s endogenous electrodynamic fields into our models about cell dynamics we also change...
Saint-Gobain Puts Comfort First
We spend roughly 90% of our time indoors or in vehicles, so it’s fair to say that the buildings we live, work and play...
Pneumothorax detection with bedside ultrasound
Without prompt treatment, a pneumothorax may progress to cardiac arrest and death. Pneumothorax develops as air becomes trapped in the pleural space from traumatic,...
The need to re-focus mental health service provision to endorse recovery and resilience to...
by Joachim Schnackenberg and Paul Bomke.
The Hearing Voices Movement (HVM) has been a key player fighting for fundamental and paradigm societal and mental health...
Liver cancer: Future scientific and clinical challenges and forthcoming problems in Europe
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) reflects the most common primary liver cancer as well as the 2nd most common cause of cancer related death in humans...
Do you understand me?
Findings on Four Effective Communication Interventions for Children and Adults with Congenital Deafblindness.
Need for intervention programs to improve communication and prevent challenging behaviors.
Persons (children...
AG: Health Supplement
Due to the success of the Health & Social Care section within the AG publication, Adjacent Digital Politics Ltd will be producing a health analysis...
The Laboratory for Muscle Plasticity
Skeletal muscle functioning is essential for bodily actions and interactions. A number of affections such as injury, disease or the natural course of biological...
Building a road to resilience
by Paul Bomke, Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor and David Cawthorpe.
The on-going need to improve mental health outcomes globally and in Germany presents significant pressure on service...
Three steps to WAN resilience
With the advent of low cost, high speed, Wide Area Network (WAN) connections many organisations are realising the cost benefits and service improvements from...
Deafblind people often live in isolation
Marleen Janssen has held the world’s only chair of ‘Congenital and Early-Acquired Deafblindness’ since 2008. Thanks to her academic endeavours it is becoming more...
Chemical biology and drug discovery
The power of flexible teamwork is the key to successful research in chemical biology and drug discovery in the work of Professor Colin Suckling...