North America Analysis

Special Reports


Chemistry-based Innovation: There’s life in the old science (literally)

Professor Colin Suckling discusses chemistry-based innovation and research benefits that can be seen during our lifetimes. Many people have written off traditional sciences as having little...
DTU CEN - Center For Electron Nanoscopy

In situ electron microscopy unravelling mobile atoms

Recent development in in situ electron microscopy is discussed by Thomas Willum Hansen, Senior Researcher at DTU CEN - Center For Electron Nanoscopy. Contemporary society...
The Balgrist

Therapies for weak muscles

It is estimated that ten percent of the costs of health care in Switzerland (or an equivalent of 500 billion Euros per annum in...
Climate Service Center

How to brace for climate change as a business

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) discusses the need to prepare for climate change as a business, presenting a tool to advance the understanding of...

imec.istart helps tech entrepreneurs kick-start their business

imec.istart is a business incubation / acceleration program that supports tech start-ups with coaching, facilities and funding. The program has been recognized by UBI...

Multimodal feedback control can lead to self-organizing morphogenesis

Vittorio Cristini and John Lowengrub presents insight into the self-organizing morphogenesis and how it can be instigated by multimodal feedback control. Huaming Yan1,5, Sameeran Kunche2,5,...

Railway stations – The Railway World

ZNAPZ discuss the crucial role of railway stations in the functionality of rail networks. We have been writing about Asset Management in the Railway Industry,...

The pervasive penetration of heterocyclic chemistry research

Professor Colin Suckling discusses heterocyclic chemistry research and how it makes a difference. Because I work on chemical biology and medicinal chemistry, most of the...
EDC Endocrine Disruptors Project-Instituto Superiore di Sanita

ISS – endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)

Alberto Mantovani presents the contribution of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) to the international assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC). The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), as...
Ingenuity Lab

Ingenuity Lab: Tackling global challenges

Ingenuity Lab discuss the development of over the horizon solutions to global challenges. Our modern world seems to get more complex every day. As our technological...
Agile Business Consortium

Putting business agility at the heart of government

Agile Business Consortium discuss promoting business agility within central government The government’s commitment to improve its delivery of public services by introducing an Agile business...

From tactics to practice: Pfalzklinikum updates its strategy work

A health and welfare institution’s unique features are no longer sufficient to grant its future success. Pfalzklinikum, service provider for mental health, has analysed...

University of Strathclyde: Pushing the limits of heterocyclic chemistry

The connecting theme of my contributions to AG publications is heterocyclic chemistry, which in my own work relates to drug discovery and medicinal chemistry, a...

Development of integrated non-invasive methods for cancer diagnosis and treatment

Zhihui Wang1, Subrata Sen2, and Vittorio Cristini1 1Center for Precision Biomedicine, Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston...

Pfalzklinikum fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie Ador – Mental health on the doorstep

Pfalzklinikum offers more decentralised services for children and adolescents. Improving the mental health care on the spot, right where people live, work and spend their...
EDC Endocrine Disruptors Project-Instituto Superiore di Sanita

The importance of communicating in earnest on EDC

Risk communication is often perceived as the last and least component of risk analysis, well behind risk assessment and risk management; conversely, it is a...

Pfalzklinikum fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie Ador – Financing, Participation, Berlin and the Palatinate

A critical look back on 2016’s policy developments. Largely unnoticed by the general public, two important federal laws were negotiated in Germany in the last...
Climate Service Center

National Assessment on Climate Change in Germany recently published

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), together with the international publisher Springer, recently published a new scientific assessment comprising the first ever collection and...
Labrador Institute of Memorial University

Implementing a community-driven environment and health surveillance program with Inuit in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut

For Inuit across the Canadian North, notions of good wellbeing are multi-faceted – including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions – and are...
Power On Connections

Power On Connections

A proud history... Power On Connections is the UK’s largest and market-leading Independent Connections Provider (ICP), specialising in designing and delivering high and low voltage...

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