Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
Lean Tools vs. Lean Philosophy
The pace of doing business today is so fast that there is not a lot of time left to consider proper planning or dare...
Implementing Bioeconomy with Electrobiorefinery
Food, chemical and industrial sectors are challenged with the growing population, increasing longevity and quality of life. In consequence, the demand for fossils energy...
Peer work in mental health – The major break-through of obstinacy?
Now we see it happen again: an apparently new term appears in the sky of psychiatry: "peer work". It means that now ill people...
Practice, experience and research-philosophy-education: A personal profile
Setting up and running the professional doctorate programme at Nottingham Trent brought together dimensions of my experience in education, research, philosophy, rock-climbing/mountaineering, so constituting...
Addressing the world’s water shortage
Acute shortage of drinking water reserves across the globe is one of the biggest problems these days. According to the study conducted by NASA...
Gynaecological cancers –prevention and early detection
Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention
According to World...
Connecting the dots between physical and mental health
Ophelie Martin, Communications Officer at Mental Health Europe shares insights on the link between physical and mental health, illustrating facts with her own personal...
Citizens with mental illness are helped by tele-rehabilitation using video technologies
Citizens with mental disorder face a number of challenges returning to everyday life following discharge from psychiatric hospital. The citizens often feel insecure, anxious,...
Research opportunities in Acute Medicine
Dinesen L1, 2, Poots AJ1, Bell D1, 2. 1.NIHR CLAHRC NW London, Imperial College London 2.Dept. Acute Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
What is Acute...
Drought, Food, and Trees
As we consider the challenges that global climate change poses for food security, it is insightful to look at past episodes of food insecurity...
Prediction of cancer treatment outcome using physics
Vittorio Cristini1,2, Eugene J. Koay3, and Zhihui Wang1,2
1Department of NanoMedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX 77054, USA
Illustration of Variation in Muscle Radiodensity
Our research group has developed a novel lens with which to view cancer patients: using computed tomography (CT) images routinely taken during clinical assessment,...
Electrically isolated post-tensioning tendons
Very high durability and the possibility for long-term monitoring and inspection of post-tensioning tendons in concrete structures are obtained with electrically isolated tendons.
Post-tensioning created...
Continual Learning, Continual Improvement
Keith Parsons, Managing Director, Dembridge provides an insight into learning and delivering Lean Six Sigma
People see Lean Six Sigma as a massive toolbox. It...
A new bio-based sorbent for water and wastewater treatment applications
Water is essential to life and there is no substitute to it. It is one of the most important natural resources on Earth contributing...
Low Cost Production of Nematodes for Biological Control of Insect Pests
J.A. Morales-Ramos1, M. G. Rojas1 and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan2
1USDA ARS SEA Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS
2USDA ARS SEA SE Fruit and...
Community Development and Planning
Varberg will be an attractive place to live, visit and work in
The municipality's goal is to plan for a development that is ecologically, socially...
Ordnance Survey: Connecting the lives of everyone in Britain
We are Britain's mapping agency. We make the most up-to-date and accurate maps of the country. But we're also a digital business, and we...
A reasonable approach to improving access for disabled people
Ten years after the deadline passed for businesses to make sure their premises and services were accessible, it may be considered surprising to find...
You’ve got to be able to see what you are doing!
At the heart of almost everything we do in chemistry is analysis, measurements that show us what we have made, how pure it is,...