North America Analysis

Special Reports


The need to re-focus mental health service provision to endorse recovery and resilience to...

by Joachim Schnackenberg and Paul Bomke. The Hearing Voices Movement (HVM) has been a key player fighting for fundamental and paradigm societal and mental health...
TU Munich

Liver cancer: Future scientific and clinical challenges and forthcoming problems in Europe

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) reflects the most common primary liver cancer as well as the 2nd most common cause of cancer related death in humans...

Cladding Performance Without The Fuss

With more and more building owners looking to go above and beyond the requirements of the Building Regulations, delivering a high level of fabric...

Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015: Are the Clients Ready?

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015) received Parliamentary approval on 29th January 2015, and will come into force on 6th April 2015; the question...

Continuous Improvement: Is it really worth it?

It’s a constant message: improve efficiency and effectiveness. This directive continues to dominate the world of public services. But why does it appear to...

Holmatro introduces Sharp Edge Protection Blanket SEP 2.5 ST

For use during tactical operations. Holmatro launches a new product for protection against sharp edges on objects you need to climb over, like walls and...

Wheelchair-user won claim after being grounded by lack of lift

Most people will be aware that they must never use a lift to move around a building in the event of a fire. Some...
OKI Systems

How Smarter Printers Mean Streamlined Document Management

By Andrew Hall, marketing manager, OKI Systems UK Ltd. With the need to reduce spending comes the need to streamline processes and cut out any duplication...

Do you understand me?

Findings on Four Effective Communication Interventions for Children and Adults with Congenital Deafblindness. Need for intervention programs to improve communication and prevent challenging behaviors. Persons (children...

AG: Health Supplement

Due to the success of the Health & Social Care section within the AG publication, Adjacent Digital Politics Ltd will be producing a health analysis...

CDM2015: Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 2015

Are we ready? On 29th January 2015, CDM2015 gained parliamentary approval, and will therefore come into force on 6th April 2015. As the final version...
OKI Systems

The Smarter Way to Print

By Andrew Hall, Marketing Manager, OKI Systems UK Ltd. Major capital investment in new office equipment was one of the first casualties of the cuts for...

Electronic devices from organic semiconductors containing heterocyclic compounds

So far these notes on heterocyclic chemistry have dealt mostly with applications in medicinal chemistry. However one of the key things about heterocyclic chemistry...
JCB Finance

JCB Finance warns that a £500,000 – £875,000 tax saving opportunity is drawing to...

The Autumn Statement of 3rd December 2014 confirmed what had already been announced in the March 2014 Budget - a temporary increase in the...
The Balgrist

The Laboratory for Muscle Plasticity

Skeletal muscle functioning is essential for bodily actions and interactions. A number of affections such as injury, disease or the natural course of biological...

Building a road to resilience

by Paul Bomke, Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor and David Cawthorpe. The on-going need to improve mental health outcomes globally and in Germany presents significant pressure on service...

New compact & portable combi tools for tactical cutting and spreading

Holmatro launches a new generation of ultra-lightweight combi tools for cutting and spreading applications during special tactics operations. Weighing only 8.1 to 9.2 kg...
University Groningen

Estimating the likelihood of extremes

Extreme weather events cause severe damage. Typical examples are hurricane Sandy and the floods in southern England. Insurance companies need to reserve a sufficient...

Taking a Stand

Following significant concessions on carbon emission targets in the Approved Documents L to the Building Regulations in both England and Wales, there were serious...

Three steps to WAN resilience

With the advent of low cost, high speed, Wide Area Network (WAN) connections many organisations are realising the cost benefits and service improvements from...

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