Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
The effects of post hospital discharge care for dementia
Examining the effects of post hospital discharge care on enhancing the physical and cognitive functioning of people with dementia
Pan African Food Security and Food Safety Issues
Food Insecurity is a major issue in the recent pandemic for people in countries throughout Africa and most of the world.
Mechatronics Education Programs- Building a pipeline to prosperity
Mechatronics jobs that drive the economy
As industry continues to advance through the adoption of technology and utilization of data, the need for a skilled...
Medical education: Disruptive change and unintended consequences
L. Maximilian Buja explores the disruptive changes and unintended consequences within medical education in response to scientific advances.
On the fast-track to reimbursement: Germany unlocks business opportunities for digital health innovators
Prof. Dr. Freimut Schliess discusses digital health innovation in Germany, tackling larger public health challenges being faced.
Underwater sonar technology for exploration and surveying
Global Aqua Survey Co., Ltd. discuss their use of sonar technology for expert underwater surveying in the waters of Taiwan
Global Aqua Survey Co., Ltd....
Prospects for personalised medicine using advanced biological therapies
Dr Michael Morrison discusses the use of advanced biological therapies, such as gene therapy, in treatment for a personalised approach.
Can Thai Hommali Rice survive climate change?
A new strain of climate-ready Thai Hommali Rice (THM) is hoping to save the world winning rice from extinction due to extreme changes in climate.
Smart Management of spent mushroom substrate to lead the MUSHROOM sector towards a circular...
The project aims to obtain a pelletized organic fertilizer from Spent Mushroom Substrate by implementing circular economy process.
Seamless Remote Hand Hygiene Training for Medical Colleges with SureWash
SureWash, a leading hand hygiene training company, now supports integration into Canvas, Blackboard Learn, Moodle and Brightspace Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Virtual Learning...
Sustainable agroecosystems: Facilitating transition to a healthier environment, and healthier and more resilient agricultural...
Sustainable agroecosystems: Facilitating transition to a healthier environment, and a healthier and more resilient agricultural communities.
Continuous real-world monitoring of cardiorespiratory health
The importance of continuous real-world monitoring of cardiorespiratory health, including adding value to pivotal clinical trials.
Wind Turbine Foundation inspection using Coda Octopus 3_D Echoscope
Global Aqua Survey Limited discuss their work relating to wind turbine installations on Taiwan's coast, employing their expertise in sonar equipment.
After COVID-19: The HQ of the future will be smaller and more adaptable
PLACEmaking discuss the future of the workplace after COVID-19, particularly the change of location for the organisation HQ fora flexible workforce.
Finding safer substitutes for endocrine disruptors is a tricky job
Alberto Mantovani, of Istituto Superiore di Sanità, discusses why finding safer substitutes for endocrine disruptors is rewarding despite difficulties
Sustainable agroecosystems: Agriculture needs to be the Foundation for a Sustainable Future
Richard Teague, from Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Texas A&M University discusses the importance of soil and agriculture.
Voice biomarkers that identify driving skills
Professor Shinichi Tokuno discusses voice biomarkers, and the application in the field of assisted driving for the elderly.
New study shows CBD treatment may help treat pain, anxiety, and depression
Here, OilsBySimpson explains the findings of a new study on 400 patients prescribed cannabidiol (CBD). The results show promise for pain, anxiety, and depression.
Resilience is like a muscle we can train
Resilience in times of crises and how to come our stronger - an interview about with Prof. Dr. Brigitte Anderl-Doliwa and Franz-Josef Wagner.
Covid screening: Let private accredited laboratories show their worth
Professors Alan Thornhill and Darren Griffin of the University of Kent call for more qualified diagnostic labs to be used in battle against Covid.