North America Analysis

Special Reports

Farming in Sweden

SSEC – successfully developing the food industry for over 7 years

SSEC has spent over 7 years working to improve upon national, regional and local food strategies in Sweden and is looking to continue to flourish.

RealWorld4Clinic – Real-life data for clinical research & care

RealWorld4Clinic is a new European initiative bringing real-world data to pivotal clinical research and outpatient cardiology care.
Fossil free local city area development with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) at Vinge in Denmark

Fossil free city progression in the town of Vinge, Denmark

The fossil free local city area development with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) at Vinge in Denmark with help from Green Island.
Urban tree estabishment - Balled and burlapped tree

Transplanting: The final step towards successful urban tree establishment

Dr Nina Bassuk from the School of Integrative Plant Science discusses the importance of transplanting in urban tree establishment.
Cybersecurity and banking

Africa’s Cybersecurity Problems Impact Us All

Africa leads the world in mobile banking and so it is no surprise that banks are one of the biggest targets for cybercriminals.
Microplastics - looking at the problem

Asking the question: Are Microplastics a Macro Problem?

Pamela J. Lein, PhD, Professor at the University of California, Davis, discusses the issue around microplastics and what we actually know.
Late blight in tomato plants

Late blight: not an isolated disease but part of a bigger complex

Discussing late blight, Dr Didier Andrivon of INRA asks: is it the top (or bottom) of a much larger, re-emerging parasitic complex ?
Urban trees

The need for urban trees – Can trees save our cities?

What is the place of urban trees in modern cities? Dr Nina Bassuk from the School of Integrative Plant Science discusses their importance.
offshore wind power

Global Aqua Survey Ltd assist with offshore wind power construction

Making waves with offshore wind power in Taiwan, Global Aqua Survey Ltd discuss their involvement in the construction project which is fast taking shape.
dental filling material

Industrial partnership with university leads research on alternative dental filling material

Case study: UCL researchers and dental materials manufacturer collaborate to speed up the development of a new dental filling material for children.
BPA - Bisphenol A

Growing health concerns: Are BPA-free products safer?

BPA (Bisphenol A), a high production volume chemical in plastics and resin, is being linked to health concerns - here Professor Lein discusses.
Toxicology - looking at health and environmental risks

Health and environmental risks of the near future

Alberto Mantovani discusses emerging health and environmental risks we are now facing, with a focus on toxicological risk assessment.
Voice Command Virtual Assistant

The Secrets Behind Voice-Command Virtual Assistants

"10 Minutes, I'll Give You The Truth About Smart Speaker and Virtual Assistants". Marsali Hancock of the EP3 Foundation discusses.
UXO survey using Geometrics made TVG and G882 magnetometers in Gaunyin OWF

Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) survey in offshore wind farm development

Dr Gwoshyh Song of Global Aqua Survey Ltd discusses the challenges of clearing unexploded ordnance ahead of offshore wind farm developments.
Porn risk to children: Exploited By Commercial Algorithms

What porn research for the boy scouts taught me

The Real Risk to Children: Exploited By Commercial Algorithms. How browsing habits can link to pornography and other harmful content for children.
School of Integrative Plant Science

Rating trees for use in urban environments

With the benefits of trees in urban environments becoming more obvious Dr Nina Bassuk and colleagues discuss selection and implementation
EP3 Foundation

The importance of protecting and regulating children’s personal data

EP3 Foundation discuss the modern day issue of protecting children's personal data online in a growing era of influencers and expanding technology.

The City of Varberg: Reinventing the community, building on creativity

Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the City of Varberg...

Intoxicating Beauty: Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics

Professor Pamela Lein discusses the toxic chemicals in our cosmetic products that are not as readily recognised by consumers as potentially harmful.
DTU CEN - Center For Electron Nanoscopy

Characterisation of Photonic Nanostructures in an Electron Microscope

Shima Kadkhodazadeh of DTU Nanolab provides insight into Photonic Nanostructures following research conducted at the Technical University of Denmark.

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