North America Analysis

Special Reports

Swindon and Wiltshire LEP logo

Swindon and Wiltshire – The home of life sciences

Swindon and Wiltshire LEP discuss how they have become established as a key location for life sciences and research in the UK.

Smart Working and Loneliness – a social issue for flexible working

PLACEmaking discuss loneliness in Smart Working environments, and how to encourage social interaction for the benefit of employees
EDC Endocrine Disruptors Project-Instituto Superiore di Sanita

Climate changes, risk assessment and resilience

Alberto Mantovani discusses the consequences of climate changes for human health and welfare, including the disruption of agricultural productions.
Twice2much - Spend Recovery Services

Spend Recovery – Can the Public Sector afford not to?

Twice2much discuss spend recovery and why organisations should consider it as best practice despite apprehensions within parts of the public sector.
Diabolo (memy) Limited

Coaching Stories – When were you last flowing and glorious?

In Coaching Stories Karen Dean and Sam Humphrey intimately share their varied experiences as executive coaches in 48 stories.
School of Integrative Plant Science

Using CU-Structural Soil™ in the Urban Environment

The Case for CU-Structural Soil™: Why do we need it, what is it, and how is it used? Dr Nina Bassuk of the School of Integrative Plant Science explains.
Medizinische Fakultät Universität Augsburg

Signalling and metabolism: Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like proteases

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Regina Fluhrer discusses Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like proteases and their role in cellular signalling and metabolism.
University of Calgary-Faculty of Kinesiology

Discussing the AIM study (Adiposity, Influenza and Men)

A common experience to the influenza vaccine: wouldn’t it be nice! Dr. Patricia Doyle-Baker discusses the AIM study, the issues and the results.
Global Aqua Survey

Developing offshore wind farms in Taiwan’s waters

Dr Gwoshyh Song of Global Aqua Survey Ltd discusses the challenges of implementing offshore wind farms off the coast of Taiwan, and the solutions presented.
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Risk of rising oceans: How fast are the Arctic ice caps changing?

As the arctic ice caps are melting causing the risk of rising sea levels, Professor Martin Sharp of the University of Alberta discusses the speed of change.

E-Cigarettes: Safer But Not Safe

Professor Pamela Lein discusses e-cigarettes, their rise in use and the misconception that they are safe as little is still known about the health effects.

The importance of the modern workplace for employment

PLACEmaking delve into the issue of why your traditional workplace is putting off the next generation of talented employees

The link between traffic-related air pollution and neurologic disease?

Pamela Lein and Rhianna Morgan discuss organosulfates and the growing connection between air pollution and neurologic disease The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that traffic-related...
Twice2much - Spend Recovery Services

Supplier Overpayments – Fraud and Error – Just the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

Fraud and error in the public sector is a complex issue which the Government is trying to tackle; Andrew Cushion, Managing Director of Twice2Much discusses.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Calorimetric method for internal pressure measurement of Lithium-ion cells

Dr. Carlos Ziebert, explains a calorimetric method for internal pressure measurement, which helps paving the way for safer Lithium-ion cells.
University of Calgary-Faculty of Kinesiology

Keeping the message simple: Energy Expenditure of Restaurant Servers

Do restaurant servers walk more than 10,000 steps in a shift? Dr. Doyle-Baker discusses energy expenditure in relation to occupation and leisure activity.
Does your neighbourhood affect social cohesion and the feeling of lonliness?

Risk of loneliness does not depend on the neighbourhood you live in

Does your neighbourhood affect social cohesion and the feeling of loneliness? Gideon Bolt & Roxanne van Nieuwamerongen discuss There is an extensive debate on the...
Signal Peptide, DZNE

Looking at Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like proteases

Prof. Regina Fluhrer from LMU & DZNE and Professor Bernd Schröder from TU Dresden discuss how intramembrane proteases contribute to the development of immune cells.
Swindon and Wiltshire LEP logo

World Leading Innovation in Swindon and Wiltshire

Innovation is at the heart of Swindon and Wiltshire, home to organisations around automotive R&D, life sciences and digital technologies Swindon and Wiltshire, home to...
Pneumology & Pulmonary Cell Research university hospital basel

Health research: Why can asthma still not be cured?

Prof Dr Michael Roth poses the big question about asthma and the lack of a cure, discussing the causes and medications used to help control it.

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