Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
Risk of rising oceans: How fast are the Arctic ice caps changing?
As the arctic ice caps are melting causing the risk of rising sea levels, Professor Martin Sharp of the University of Alberta discusses the speed of change.
E-Cigarettes: Safer But Not Safe
Professor Pamela Lein discusses e-cigarettes, their rise in use and the misconception that they are safe as little is still known about the health effects.
The importance of the modern workplace for employment
PLACEmaking delve into the issue of why your traditional workplace is putting off the next generation of talented employees
The link between traffic-related air pollution and neurologic disease?
Pamela Lein and Rhianna Morgan discuss organosulfates and the growing connection between air pollution and neurologic disease
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that traffic-related...
Supplier Overpayments – Fraud and Error – Just the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Fraud and error in the public sector is a complex issue which the Government is trying to tackle; Andrew Cushion, Managing Director of Twice2Much discusses.
Calorimetric method for internal pressure measurement of Lithium-ion cells
Dr. Carlos Ziebert, explains a calorimetric method for internal pressure measurement, which helps paving the way for safer Lithium-ion cells.
Keeping the message simple: Energy Expenditure of Restaurant Servers
Do restaurant servers walk more than 10,000 steps in a shift? Dr. Doyle-Baker discusses energy expenditure in relation to occupation and leisure activity.
Risk of loneliness does not depend on the neighbourhood you live in
Does your neighbourhood affect social cohesion and the feeling of loneliness? Gideon Bolt & Roxanne van Nieuwamerongen discuss
There is an extensive debate on the...
Looking at Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like proteases
Prof. Regina Fluhrer from LMU & DZNE and Professor Bernd Schröder from TU Dresden discuss how intramembrane proteases contribute to the development of immune cells.
World Leading Innovation in Swindon and Wiltshire
Innovation is at the heart of Swindon and Wiltshire, home to organisations around automotive R&D, life sciences and digital technologies
Swindon and Wiltshire, home to...
Health research: Why can asthma still not be cured?
Prof Dr Michael Roth poses the big question about asthma and the lack of a cure, discussing the causes and medications used to help control it.
Electron Nanoscopy – Organic Ice Resist Lithography
Exploring the fundamentals of electron matter interactions to turn radiation damage into an exciting opportunity for nanotechnology.
Teaching grammar to children with Specific Language Impairment
Teaching children with Specific Language Impairment can be challenging. Professor Mabel Rice of the University of Kansas discusses some details
Climate Change: A clear view on the impact it inflicts
Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) discuss latest understandings on climate change and how the outcome has never been so plain to see
University of Florida Biodiversity Institute: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Professor Pamela Soltis discusses how the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida promotes interdisciplinary, integrative biodiversity science.
The decline of the traditional office: Are smarter ways of working the replacement?
With the traditional office lease in demise, Alison White of PLACEmaking looks at what is emerging as a replacement in terms of smarter working, including the impact on people and how support services need to be repurposed
The Werther effect – About the handling of suicide in the media
Vivien Kogler and Alexander Noyon from Mannheim University of Applied Sciences investigate suicidality, the Werther effect and the role of medial presentation in this...
ROWER (Reducing Osteoporosis in Women that Exercise through Rowing)
A boatload of information on osteoporosis knowledge from the ROWER study. Dr. Doyle-Baker shares information from the project.
Spend Recovery and the opportunity of free money?
Twice2much discuss spend recovery and ask the question: Why are so many Public Sector organisations ignoring the opportunity of FREE MONEY?
Porphyrin – is this the most versatile heterocyclic compound ever?
Professor Colin Suckling of the University of Strathclyde discusses the heterocuclic compound known as Porphyrin, and the research he has undertaken.