
The UK Government support the transition towards electric vehicles

The UK government has announced a £120 million investment to make the transition into electric vehicles (EVs) easier for drivers, taxi drivers and businesses.

Why is it so difficult to book a driving test?

Investigation reveals that driving tests are being bulk booked and resold for profit with learners paying more than £200 for a test.

The background scenario for Autonomous Shipping

Marco Molica Colella, project coordinator for AUTOSHIP, discusses the EU’s role in autonomous shipping and changing of transport emissions globally.

Learning the lessons of resilience for smart & sustainable mobility

Henrik Hololei, DG MOVE Director-General at the European Commission, outlines the importance of learning the lessons of resilience for smart & sustainable mobility.

Can electric cars save the UK from carbon emissions?

Though electric cars are greener than those running on fossil fuels, they generate mass carbon emissions during production and remain predominantly inaccessible.

How can short sea shipping emissions be reduced?

Nikolaos P. Ventikos from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Angeliki Stouraiti from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) explore the environmental footprint of short sea shipping and how the EU can reduce emissions.

Shared mobility can help to achieve Net Zero visions

Gunnar Froh, Founder and CEO of Wunder Mobility, shares his insight on how shared mobility can help leaders and citizens to achieve their Net Zero vision.

Delivering sustainable traffic management & control solutions

Gavin Trimnell, Sales Director, explains how Yunex Traffic’s systems help authorities to drive down carbon emissions and costs.

Transport for London promotes greener shopping initiatives

TfL is encouraging shoppers and retailers around London to adopt greener initiatives to reduce emissions, including using click and collect, green delivery slots and grouping deliveries.

Revolutionising transport & the imperative role of connectivity and 5G

Chris Holmes, Transport Programme Director at West Midlands 5G, explores how connectivity is set to unlock the future of more intelligent and intuitive transport.

£96 billion public investment to modernise rail networks

New £96 billon plans unveiled to modernise rail connections across England, as the biggest ever public investment for the rail network.

The new locomotive contributing to net-zero carbon

A new low carbon locomotive design launched by Nuclear Transport Solutions’ (NTS) rail division is to be presented at this year’s Low Carbon Logistics event in Mossend, Scotland.

The decarbonising technology transforming net-zero transport

STFC, IP Group, and Reaction Engines are joining forces to create a decarbonisation technology company to lead the transport sector to net-zero emissions.

50% of UK drivers will switch to electric vehicles within 10 years

According to ONS data, over 50% of UK drivers are willing to switch to electric vehicles within the next decade - theoretically, well in time for the zero emissions by 2050 goal.

How collective intelligence could prevent a future fuel crisis

Kathy Peach, Director at Nesta’s Centre for Collective Intelligence Design and Professor Thomas Chesney, The University of Nottingham, examines how the current fuel crisis – and any future ones - could be prevented with the use of collective intelligence.

How the 15-minute city concept can revolutionise London

Achieving a net-zero 15-minute city seems overly ambitious, especially in highly industrialised cities like London, but, David Watkins, founder and COO at DASH Rides, believes that solutions like integrating e-mobility could be the answer.

60,000 Europeans aged 18-20 to receive free travel rail pass

The European Commission has announced that it will provide 60,000 Europeans aged 18-20 years with a free travel rail pass.


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