North America Analysis

Transport News

Open Access Government’s Transport News section offers a wide range of articles within the transport sector. 

We cover up to date topics such as the progression of electric cars and the push for zero-emission cars. Policy and the changes in the Law on Transport along with articles on the department of transport and relevant updates are also available on our website.

Another popular topic included in this category is the transport infrastructure in ‘SMART’ cities and you can easily find information on shipping regulations. We also delve into European transport policies and aviation news.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Smart cities: New power dynamics & intelligent transport systems

Christian M. Theissen and Natalia Filandrianou from White & Case LLP explore the role of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in smart cities & how new mobility concepts will change the dynamics between private & public actors.
heritage tourism

Railways in the UK and Japan: Heritage tourism focus

Hideto Fujii, Professor from School of Commerce, Meiji University in Japan, describes revitalising rural & urban areas through heritage tourism in this special focus on railways in the UK and Japan.
the aviation industry

How can the aviation industry cut emissions?

Graham Chapman, a sustainable product and business expert and owner of Powerguard, explores how the aviation industry can reduce its carbon emissions.
Spring Budget

How will this years Spring Budget impact EV consumers and businesses?

Tanya Sinclair, Policy Director UK & Ireland at ChargePoint, discusses what the 2021 budget announcement means for consumers and businesses regarding EVs, and how to apply and gain access to the subsidies from a business and personal perspective.
travel habits

How lockdown travel habits are influencing the green recovery

Mark Nicholson, CEO of Vivacity Labs, discusses how local lockdown travel habits are already influencing the green recovery.
air travel

Airbus: On the path to sustainable air travel

Here, Open Access Government learns about the climate impact of aircrafts and how Airbus is on a committed journey towards sustainable aviation.
sustainable mobility

Smart and sustainable mobility for the future

Open Access Government explores Europe’s current smart mobility priorities, learning why Intelligent Transport Solutions (ITS) are key to advancing the transport sector in a sustainable and innovative way.
greener future for transport

Using hydrogen to fuel a greener future for transport

The UK is embracing trailblazing hydrogen transport. Here, Open Access Government discusses some recent initiatives led by The Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport.
hydrogen transport

Deploying hydrogen transport infrastructure

Mark Griffin, Hydrogen Market Development Manager for Clean Fuels, BOC, explains how to deploy hydrogen transport infrastructure to meet net-zero in this guide for councils.
short sea shipping, MOSES project

The MOSES Project: Shaping the future of European Short Sea Shipping

Associate Professor Nikolaos P. Ventikos tells us about the MOSES research and innovation project, illustrating its contribution to sustainable European Short Sea Shipping (SSS) cargo transport.
clean air zones

Clean Air Zones post-pandemic

Stephen O’Sullivan, Head of Enforcement Business Development and Sales at Siemens Mobility, discusses how the pandemic has affected plans for Clean Air Zones (CAZs).
greener aviation operations

Tackling climate change through greener aviation operations

Joining forces for a greener aviation, the partners of the EU funded ClimOP project apply an iterative approach identifying and developing innovative operations to reduce aviation emissions.

Accelerating the UK’s emergence from the pandemic with e-scooters

Noa Khamallah, former Executive at Voi and Lime, argues that not only are e-scooters the perfect fit for the cities of the future but they can also help speed up the UK's emergence from the pandemic.
EV infrastructure

The key to building a fit-for-purpose EV infrastructure in the UK

Neil Isaacson, CEO, Liberty Charge, discusses how a huge network of electric vehicle charging stations will be built and looks at who will fund it.
US transportation

What challenges lie ahead for Biden’s aim to decarbonise US transportation?

Dr Gavin Bailey and Sydnee Grushack from Eunomia explore the challenges that the Biden administration faces as it looks to make the US transportation system more sustainable.
quarantine hotel, mutation

Only 1% of people flying to the UK are going to a quarantine hotel

The Home Affairs Committee Chair Yvette Cooper found that 1% of the 15,000 people flying to the UK daily are being processed through the quarantine hotel system.
noise from transport

Reducing emissions and noise from transport

Here, we learn about LIFE GySTRA and NEMO projects, which aim to create innovative solutions based on remote sensing to reduce emissions and noise from transport.
quarantine hotel, south african

Residents flying to the UK must pay £1,750 for quarantine hotel

Residents flying from any of the 33 "red-list" countries will now have to pay online for a quarantine hotel before travelling - which includes two COVID tests that will now be made mandatory.
electric vehicle chargepoints

UK Government invests £20 million into electric vehicle chargepoints

The UK Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, has announced that the government will be investing £20 million into electric vehicle chargepoints.
aviation projects

Green aviation projects to receive £84 million funding boost

Three projects have been awarded £84 million from the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) programme to power zero-emissions flights .

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