questions about CBD
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Here, Keeley Berry, Nutritional Expert and Product Developer at BetterYou, answers the most commonly asked questions about CBD

What is CBD?

CBD is one of at least 113 known cannabinoids derived from the hemp plant. These plant-based cannabinoids are similar in structure to the body’s own cannabinoid system, called the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system in the body is responsible for regulating sleep, appetite, anxiety and pain. CBD binds to part of the body’s endocannabinoid receptors to boost the body’s production of its own cannabinoids.

Can you get ‘high’ from CBD?

The specific cannabinoid substance found in marijuana that makes you high is called THC –  the psychoactive part of the drug. The industrial hemp production is grown to have significantly lower THC levels and higher CBD yields.

In the UK, THC is highly-regulated to ensure there is no more than 1mg of THC per bottle of product and therefore it will not induce psychoactive effects.

Is CBD oil safe or addictive?

As long as you buy from a reputed supplier who can produce certification of the CBD products’ safety and ingredients it should be safe.

A World Health Organisation report on CBD confirmed that “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile. Reported adverse effects may be as a result of drug interactions between CBD and patients’ existing medications.”

Controlled human studies have not found any potential for physical dependence, withdrawal or tolerance.  Due to the extremely low levels of THC, there’s no reason why CBD oil should be addictive when used responsibly.

Not all CBD products are the same quality so it’s important to look out for trusted brands who can provide analytical results for their products. Any company who makes a CBD product should be able to supply a consumer with a certificate confirming its safety, the amount of THC it contains and any residual solvents leftover from the manufacturing process.

Can you overdose on CBD?

It’s always best to stick to the manufacturer’s instructions on the product purchased but if you notice any adverse effects such as dry mouth, low blood pressure and drowsiness, discontinue use and consult your GP.

Are CBD oil and hemp seed oil the same thing?

Hemp seed oil is made from the seeds of the hemp plant that are rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids – they tend to be used in cooking and cosmetics.

Hemp seeds are a food, but when you start growing the plant and extracting CBD oil from its leaves and stalks, then you’re talking about a CBD oil supplement and the manufacture of these is strictly regulated in the UK.

CBD oil can also be known as ‘hemp extract’ and is derived from the industrial hemp process that results in high CBD and lower THC containing crops – this is what you find in CBD oil supplements.

How and where is CBD grown and harvested?

Most CBD products that are available in the UK come from industrial hemp grown within the European Union, adhering to strict guidelines.

There are three ways CBD oil can be extracted from the hemp plant. Firstly, and most commonly, ethanol is used to extract the CBD from hemp. Alternatively, carbon dioxide is used to heat up the hemp and the resulting oil is then extracted – this is called ‘supercritical Co2 extraction’.

At BetterYou, we are currently investigating the method of extracting CBD oil using water, but it may be a while before this is commercially available.

What dosage do I need and how long does it take to feel the benefit?

The effects of CBD oil will vary from person to person. With an oral spray or dropper, the effects are usually noticed within 30 minutes to an hour and can last up to six hours, depending on the dose administered.

It’s important to start with a lower dose and build up to a comfortable level that is right for you.

We know that delivery via an oral spray can be much more effective as it delivers nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system where absorption can be lost or may vary from person to person.

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