Why Cloud Technologies is STEP 1 in Business Success 2021

Why Cloud Technologies is STEP 1 in Business Success 2021

OGEL IT discuss the role of cloud technologies in business following the COVID-19 pandemic and the push for digital transformation

It is time industries start accepting the fact that cloud technology is the first step in bridging the digital achievement gap.  Where leaders in digital transformation see up to three times more revenue growth than those who are behind in adapting their systems to be agile for future change and development.

COVID-19 accelerated global digital transformation, where the first quarter of 2020 saw cloud technologies triple, and 70% of companies worldwide increased their spend on cloud architecture to offset the commotion caused by lockdowns.

More companies became technology businesses overnight and set off a new era of exponential digital transformation, and the seismic shift pushed for futuristic methods of conducting business. Rapid transformations and an influx of new technologies meant organisations were able to continue their services with minimal to no disruption.

Organisations that started the migration of their services to the cloud prior to the pandemic, were ahead of the curve when Covid hit, and able to keep up with demand of their customers and continue to provide their services, including supply for the growing demand in certain public sector services.  A good example of this is the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and their migration to the cloud which started prior to Covid.  James Barton, Head of Transformation for Technology Services in DWP Digital is quoted in an early DWP Digital Blog, 16 April 2018, stating “The journey began last June when we started this ambitious, important and complex technology project, to move all of the DWP’s systems to hybrid hosting. This once-in-a-generation change removed the constraints of previous large outsourced IT contracts. This move is at the very heart of our plan to deliver modern flexible digital systems and services for our users.”

The reality now, entering our post pandemic world, means organisations must become experts of change in order to keep up with their competitors, and leaders of every industry will be decided based not just on their business plan and the way it is executed, but on the resourcefulness of their tech choices and how they best serve their business, customers and improve the overall human experience.

It has become more apparent that the architecture of any business matters and the foundation starts with the Cloud and its supporting infrastructure.

We have worked with multiple clients on their successful migration to the cloud and are a leading Managed Service Provider on the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) GCloud 12 platform and Technology Services 3  (TS3) framework, where we continue to provide our outstanding services to the public sector.  Along with our portfolio of private corporate clients, we are very proud of the success and delivery of our projects.

Our dedicated subject matter experts work with all our clients on a one-to-one basis, keeping them connected to their strategic objectives and business priorities, reviewing their environment and finding the best possible solution to their challenges and pain points and leveraging technology to do so, all while enhancing the customer experience.

If you are looking at starting your own digital transformation journey and would like to know more about where to start and how we can help, get in touch.

We can help you make the right decisions at the most appropriate pace for your business.

T: +44(0)1438 300335

E: info@ogelit.com

W: www.ogelit.com

G-Cloud: https://www.digitalmarketplace.service.gov.uk/g-cloud/search?q=ogel


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