TED Gen: The Combined heat and power revolution

combined heat and power, buildings

Here, TED Generation (TED Gen) explains how to improve the economic and environmental future of your business – using Combined heat and power (CHP) to decrease energy costs and rewrite carbon footprints

When it comes to climate change, the European Commission has promised to deliver carbon neutrality by 2050. Thousands of businesses, small and large, are changing the way that they use energy. There is a huge push to make energy part of a circular economy, instead of drawing from a costly source that cannot be replaced.

But how can we translate the policies of politicians and scientists into a tangible change for our own businesses?

TED Gen: The people who can make your business greener

Combined heat and power (CHP) is an energy efficient technology that generates electricity and captures the heat that would otherwise go to waste. This thermal energy can then be used, meaning that financial savings happen from the first moment of system replacement.

TED Gen are at the forefront for pushing CHP, with no capital investment required for them to work with you.

TED Gen funds, installs and operates CHP systems that deliver heat and power where it is generated, providing immediate and sustainable savings for clients. Be it a retro fit, new build or introducing CHP to an established and operating business – they can make it more energy efficient and cheaper to run. Sizes range from 30kwh up to 5gwh, meaning they can adapt to work on a large industrial scale right down to care homes, whilst ensuring it matches the locations aesthetics and acoustic requirements.

In the past twelve months, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, TED Gen have delivered over 10gW’s of electricity and 172 gW’s of heat. They can also prove that there will be on-going savings of up to 40% occurring at any time, as long as their experts have had a chance to optimize the performance of the equipment involved. TED Gen further promise a partnership – they don’t want to make one interaction but continue to update the necessary equipment to maximise any benefits of economy and environment as time goes on.

The Co-gen energy agreement (CEA)

With the CEA agreement, TED Gen will cover the full cost of installation, operational costs, full on-going costs of service and maintenance, install billing grade meters and you will have the option to either continue your agreement or terminate it at the end of your contract.

Adapting a 300-year-old building to CHP

Seaham Hall is a Hotel and Spa originally built in 1791. As a classically old piece of architecture, the building may have seemed implausible to adapt with CHP technology. In fact, one of the leading arguments against the plausibility of a carbon neutral future is the presence of old buildings – whether in London, Paris or Budapest. These buildings do not have to be left behind in the green revolution, nor be extremely expensive to run.

TED Gen analysed the site data for Seaham Hall, carrying out a full energy review exercise across both the hotel and the Spa leisure facility. Based on the analysis of the Half Hour electrical grid data provided, TED Generation proposed a 100KW CHP unit be installed at the hotel and another 100KW CHP unit to be installed at the Spa.

Based on the high electrical demand, the units could look to continually run 365 days of the year. After allowance for service downtime, this would generate; 170 kWe/hr annual generation of electricity (1,004,000 kWh’s), 226 kWth/hr annual generation of heat (1,320,000 kWh’s), for 17 hours per day.

The benefits of CHP

Using CHP, the hotel will have access to up to 419,000 kW’s of clean electricity and 538,000 kW’s of clean heat per annum, delivering carbon savings of up to 143 Tonnes CO2 per annum. Additionally, the hotel will save up to a total of over £191,900 in direct savings over the life of the Agreement.

In the Spa, the CHP will provide up to 575,000 kW’s of clean electricity and 782,000 kW’s of clean heat per annum, creating carbon savings of up to 207 Tonnes CO2 per annum and will generate direct savings of over £260,900 over the life of the Agreement.

The transformative turnaround of Seaham Hall proves that no building of any age should be left behind by the Combined heat and power revolution – least of all, the small businesses that are looking for ways to change. Contact us to understand how we can help you step into the green future.

*Please note: This is a commercial profile

© 2019. This work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND.

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