Home Christian Brechot, MD, PhD – University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine

    Christian Brechot

    Senior Associate Dean for Research in Global Affairs Associate Vice President for International Partnerships and Innovation Professor Department of Internal Medicine
    University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine

    Professor Christian Bréchot is a distinguished researcher with MD and PhD degrees. He studied molecular biology, virology, and cellular biology at the Pasteur Institute and obtained his PhD in biochemistry from the University of Paris VII in 1985. His career spans academia and industry, focusing on public health and research.

    He became a full professor of Cell Biology and Hepatology at Paris Descartes University in 1989 and headed the clinical department of liver diseases at Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital in 1997. From 2001 to 2007, he served as General Director of Inserm, France’s National Agency for Biomedical Research. In 2008, he became Vice President of Medical and scientific affairs at Institut Merieux, overseeing various sectors, including diagnostics and vaccines.

    Dr. Bréchot was President of the Institut Pasteur from 2013 to 2017, fostering scientific collaboration and education. Since 2018, he has been a full Professor at the University of South Florida, serving as Senior Associate Dean for Research and Associate Vice President for International Partnerships. He also served as President of the Global Virus Network from 2017 to 2023 and currently serves as Vice Chair of the board.

    His research expertise covers molecular biology, virology, hepatology, and oncology. He focuses primarily on viral hepatitis and its link to liver cancer. More recently, he has studied the role of a C-type lectin in insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, Dr. Brechot focuses on the diverse study of microbiomes and how they affect human health, one health, the environment, and biodiversity. With over 400 published articles and 18 patents, Dr. Bréchot has founded three biotech companies and received numerous accolades.

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