Home Dimitris Gizopoulos – University of Athens

    Dimitris Gizopoulos

    University of Athens

    Dimitris Gizopoulos is Professor at the University of Athens where he leads the Computer Architecture Laboratory. The lab’s research focuses on Dependability, Performance, and Energy Efficiency of Computing Systems built around CPUs, GPUs, and AI Accelerators (AIA). Gizopoulos serves as member of the Steering, Organizing, and Program Committees of ACM and IEEE top tier conferences (including MICRO, ISCA, HPCA, DSN, DAC, DATE, ISPASS, IISWC, ITC, VTS, IOLTS) and member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, the ACM Computing Surveys and Springer’s JETTA (and previously IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems and IEEE Design and Test Magazine). He was the General Chair of the ACM/IEEE MICRO symposium in 2020 and 2021 and the Program or General Chair of the IEEE IOLTS symposium for multiple years. The lab’s research is supported by the European Union, the Greek government, and the computing industry on topics related to cloud computing, edge computing, neuromorphic computing hardware and software design, and RAS assessment and provisions across the computing continuum. Gizopoulos and team journal and conference publications have received numerous awards and nominations, among which the entire year’s 2022 Best Paper Award from the IEEE Transactions on Computers. Gizopoulos is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, and an IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member and received the 2024 ACM SIGMICRO Distinguished Service Award.

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    Phone: +30 210 7275145
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