Gerard Laguna is a Researcher in the Buildings Energy and Environment Group (BEE Group) at the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
Gerard holds a PhD in Engineering and ICT, a master’s in industrial engineering from the University of Lleida (UdL), and a degree in Energy Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
During his PhD he got expertise in thermo-fluid dynamics by designing and evaluating new microelectronics’ cooling solutions in CFD and experimentally in a lab environment. However, in CIMNE, he is taking advantage of his background in Energy Engineering to create and evaluate statistical models to predict buildings’ energy consumption, thermal comfort, and energy generation. These models are used to classify and compare buildings’ consumption and optimize their energy consumption using Model Predicting Control approaches. Nowadays, Gerard, as project principal investigator, is using these tools to evaluate Energy Efficiency Measures and, together with the corresponding ontologies and big data structures, is developing tools to allow municipalities to track and assess municipal energy transition.