Gregory D. Foley is the Robert L. Morton Professor of Mathematics Education at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, USA. He received BA and MA degrees in mathematics and a PhD in mathematics education from the University of Texas at Austin.
Since 1975, Professor Foley has taught a wide variety of mathematics and education classes in Ohio, North Carolina, and Texas. He has taught mathematics from Grade 7 through the master’s level and mathematics education from the undergraduate through the PhD level. Foley is the principal investigator of the U.S. National Science Foundation-sponsored project Developing a Statewide Professional Development Network for Effective Teaching of Undergraduate Quantitative Reasoning Courses. He is the chair of the academic network on Quantitative Reasoning of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year College (AMATYC).
Foley is the lead author of Advanced Quantitative Reasoning: Mathematics for the World Around Us and Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic. In recognition of his work, Foley has received the AMATYC Award for Mathematics Excellence in 1998, the Teachers Teaching with Technology Leadership Award in 2005, and the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) Kenneth Cummins Award for exemplary mathematics teaching at the university level in 2015 and the OCTM Christofferson-Fawcett Award for lifetime contributions to mathematics education in 2022.