Jessica Hjerpe Olausson is the leader of C2B2 WP2 Open, data-driven innovation & emerging technologies, and also the leader of C2B2 LivingLab West. Jessica holds a Master’s degree in Marine Science from Otago University in New Zealand. She has worked for 20 years in the public sector in Sweden at the Swedish Board of Fisheries, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish Maritime Administration and Region Västra Götaland. She started by working with fisheries management in combination with environmental issues and then moved on to more focus on innovation and development issues. With extensive experience in the public sector, she has a good insight into working methods and needs and thinks it is important to have a common thread from the global to the local level.
She has been involved in and worked for the development of the blue economy from a regional development perspective and has led the maritime cluster in West Sweden for 6 years. She has also worked with the European dimension of the blue economy, the policy area Blue Economy. At RISE, Jessica works with integrated coastal zone management, including land-sea interactions and climate adaptation. Her interest is to work in an interdisciplinary context with a focus on sustainability and to create useful results for industry and society. More recently, she has been working with the Living Labs method as well as multiuse of offshore platforms. She is an experienced project manager.