North America Analysis
Home Koichi Miyake – Nippon Medical School

    Koichi Miyake

    Department of Gene Therapy,

    I graduated from Nippon Medical School (NMS) in 1988 and worked as a resident in the Third Department of Internal Medicine at NMS Hospital for two years, specializing in haematology

    In 1990, I entered graduate school to conduct research on genetic abnormalities in leukaemia and completed graduate studies in 1944. After that, I joined the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular biology (BMB) in NMS and worked about gene therapy studies for about 30 years.

    I completed a fellowship at Lund University from 2003 to 2005 where I worked as a research scientist in the Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy department. After came back to Japan, he developed gene therapy for genetic, cancer, neurological, and eye diseases at BMB laboratory. I have been worked for gene therapy for HPP for 13 years and developed neonatal and in utero HPP gene therapy using AAV vector and bone marrow transplanted stem cell HPP gene therapy using lentiviral vector.

    Contributor's Details

    Phone: +81 3 3822 2131
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