Torsten Linders is the Programme Director of C2B2. He is a former researcher and teacher in physical oceanography, working with a in-situ observations and simplified numerical models of air-sea fluxes, ocean turbulence and ocean turbidity. Nowadays Linders works with collaboration between academia, industry and the public sector. This started with a focus on projects in marine data, both collection, analysis and utilization, noatbly Swedish Centre for Ocean Observing Technology (SCOOT) and Ocean Datat Factory Sweden (ODF). An overall ambition was to increase the pace of innovation and the use of marine data. Recently the scope has broadened to include innovation in a wider sense, for a sustatinable Blue Economy. This broder scope yields interaction with all major actors in the marine/maritime domain, including with shipping, offshore wind, fishery, and the armed forces.
Torsten Linders
Project Coordinator
University of Gothenburgh